I tried a couple
Liver Cleanses last year with some success, but I have gotten off track this winter and have gone back to eating terrible, not exercising, etc. I am about 10
pounds overweight and experience tiredness, gas, bloating, constipation, and acne. I know my digestive system is in the worst shape of all my body systems, and I want to do something before I get REALLY sick!
What suggestions do you have for me to get healthy again?? I have been on cleansing herbs called Experience for about 3 years to help with the constipation, but my system is still not normal. I have started to stay away from fatty foods and drink more water, but besides that I have a long way to go to change my bad habits. Where should I start? All the cleanses and eating habit changes on this site are overwhelming to me! Where do you suggest someone like me should start????