Thank you Fountain of Youth, Lapis, and Bob, - for respondig to m y msg.! I don't think it's anxiety, I really don't. I have really thought about that, and even though I do work 2 jobs, I am tired, but no particular "anxiety" other than "normal", like other people. Other than that, Lapis, you suggested that it might be
Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) in the food, or an open flame, - I never even thought of that. I'll find out about the MSG. - as far as the open flame, I think that only one of the restaurants MAY have that, the other doesn't. One of the rest.'s is a steakhouse, but I don't believe they cook it over an open flame, but I'll find out. It's funny, because it's really only when my family and I go out to eat and have our family time, at a nice restaurant, that this happens. I really like these family times, we have a good time, it's not something I DON'T like, you know? I am usually the one who suggests it, in fact. So I know it's not anxiety. I was thinking it may be a digestive problem, because once (about 3 mos. ago) when we had gone to the steakhouse, it got really bad! It looks like I'm having spasms, it's very embarassing! But then, we left, and it took about half an hour of driving around (my mother was driving!) for it to wear off. I had to do a lot of burping, and my mother suggested she thought I'd feel better once I burped, and I did. After that, it steadily went away, say, within about 10 min.'s. -- so, I don't know. anyway, thank you for writing, if you have anymore info, I sure would appreciate it!!!!!! davyboy