after doing the liver cleanse, and haveing "not so good results" ,,,
nothing really came out exect some tiny particles , but on the other hand a had a really good bowel movement that night,,. so i expected the next morning to bring good results ,, and it did not.
it was last thusday night that i did the cleanse. on saturday (2 days later i took a tablespoon of epsom in capsual form ,, nothing but water was coming out from this and a whole lot of gurgleing and turning in my stomach, so sunday night i took one more table spoon of epsom.( i was useing this stricktly for bowel movement ) still nothing, so i was looking on these forums and read about the probiotics and thought i would give these a try ,,,, and how Agnes recomended a yogurt enema. so monday(yesterday) i got the probiotics and did the yogurt enema. this completely stopped all the gugeling and turning in my stomach and the water bowel movements, and i slept great last night. this morning i woke up refreshed and went to work ,,( really gassy all morn. then after,, i stopped at library and i finally had to go, oh did i ever, i had to sit there for along time in the library bathroom. I passed a very long strand of mucoid plaque some of it was green so i sat and waited as long as i could for it to get all the way out ,, (with out stinken up the bathroom and i didnt want to flush cause i wanted to get a look at what i was passing there . well it finally broke off and it was alot. i got home and i havent been able to go yet although i can feel it comeing on,, so i am antisapating more of this.
Anyway what im trying to say is i think im still a little to blocked up to have a sucessfull liver cleanse( believe me i thought i had cleaned my self out good during all the
Bowel Cleanse and surely i did not!!!!! so ive gotta get used to those epsoms cause im going to be useing them more ,,, they really do the trick for intestinal cleansing.
the yogurt enema was good it helped all that water stop coming out ( ithink its because the milky in it that stays in somewhat like , cheese constipates you, because after i used the enema i didnt have much of a movement.
but i feel good i guess it is back to bowel cleansing and maintenance for a while longer which i dont mind at all.
so if any one is haveing not so sucessful
Liver Cleanses im thinking this could be a very good reason. i highly reccomend those epsoms now (still yuck) but it does the trick.