Hi Simon! Sounds like you're off to a good start already. :)
I really must write out some
Acne notes, this question comes up a lot, and now I can't find my last post on it! argh! I swear, posts get lost in a black hole when you want to find them. ;)
People who produce a lot of oil and get skin rashes/
Acne are usually Pitta Dosha or at the very least have a Pitta imbalance. If you get hot easily and perspire freely and have a healthy appetite then you are a Pitta dosha and really must read up on how to balance Pitta. My notes point the way to a couple of pages online that are good for this.
For the quickest road to recovery, get a series of
colonics done and/or buy an enema bucket setup. Do at least 4 liver flushes, followed by a bit of kidney maintenence. Start the P&B shakes right away. See my bowel management notes for more details.
Diet is ESSENTIAL. You can't cheat, not for awhile at least. Your diet should be mostly pitta-friendly grains, vegetables, legumes and nuts for protein, some fish or poultry. NO dairy except eggs, and the eggs should be raw organic. See my protein shake drink. Use rice milk instead of cow milk.
One of the most majorly overlooked issues with
Acne is low stomach acid and weak digestion overall. Low digestive fire causes tons of toxins from undigested foods that are free to float around and clog the skin, lymph, etc. Lemon juice, salt and B vits will help this issue, as will digestive enzymes, HCL Betaine, pungent herb therapy (see post on pungent herbs).
You need lots of lecithin. Consider taking Guggal, an excellent herb for taking fats out of the body.
Dandelion and goldenseal are good herbs for you. You can take tinctures or tea, whichever is easiest.
You need to follow a good lymph cleansing regimen. The lymphs are essential for managing fats well. Do at least one detox bath a week, but keep the temp medium and use 60 mg niacin. If you can't get a trampoline then jump rope and lie inverted or stand on your head or do hand stands.
NEVER eat deep-fried food. Use only a minimum of oils in your cooking, and try to add them afterwards so they don't cool at all. Use good EFA oils such as flax, hemp, etc.
Avoid all sugars, even artificial sweeteners. Only have 1-2 servings of fruit a day, and try to make those apples, pears, berries.
Eat a cleansing salad every single day. See my notes for recipes.
Drink the lemon/acv water every day, first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening.
Consider eating nothing but Kichadi for lunch or dinner for a week, the cleansing salad or hot cereal or protein shakes for the other two meals.
Drink aloe vera juice, 1/2 cup 2x a day.
Drink raw cucumber juice or eat lots of cukes as snacks. Always make your own salad dressings, commercial salad dressing will murder your skin. Just mix flax or olive oil with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, orange juice, and a mixture of dried herbs and let it sit so the herbs infuse.
Use liquid
Bentonite clay as a mask on your face for 15 minutes. You can also use a paste of ginger powder and water.
Good luck! :)
More recomendations: