I would also like to know of any websites like that.
I have heard that if you eat organic- locally grown foods you will be basically more healthier than if you eat things shipped from all over the World. I dont completely agree with that in ALL situations, but in some cases I do. There has to be websites on that! I'll have to do some searching.
As for other reasons why animals are pretty much healther in general than humans is for the following reasons I feel:
1- they are grounded from Electro-magnetic pollution. Their bare paws touch the ground, and this grounds them as they move on the land. They dont sit in front of a computer or use cellphones, and probably instinctively stay a distance from cellphone towers. I bet if you walk near a cellphone or radio tower, the area around their may be pretty dead and quiet of most animal life.
2- They follow what their bodies tell them-- if they are tired, they sleep. Which is usually at the first point of darkness when we are still up with our electric lights and TV blaring in the house.
THey wake up right at sunset- the best time for the body to awaken from sleep.
If you dont get the right amount of sleep for your body-at the right times, it doesnt matter how many vitamins you take- your body will be more acidic, your cells cant rejuvinate, and your organs- including liver will suffer.
3- Most people- even the health conscious-- will drink their share of sodas and refined sugars, holiday desserts, etc. especially in social settings when we cave in to what everyone around us is doing.
Even a little refined
Sugar lowers the immune system drastically.
Wild animals get thier foods 100 % natural and unrefined and the sugars they get are from berries,etc., that have a low glycemic index. Even some meat eating animals will often munch on raw plants to help their digestion. Many humans cant bring themselves to have a salad with each meal-- so we are even unlike the meat eating animals in this as well.
4- Like plant eating animals, we also have a longer intestinal tract. Flesh eating animals have much shorter intestinal tracts designed for meat.
Even though we humans have intestinal tracts of a plant eating animal- we gulp up cooked meat like we were Wild Cats, but we dont run and excersize our bodies like the wild cats do to move the dead meat out of our intestines. Excersize increases bowel movement. A Wild cat- and even wolves,will run and after a good run, will poop out their last meal. Then they are ready for new food. They run after the fresh game (getting more excersize in the process) and then they catch their food and enjoy it on an empty stomach and empty bowels.
We sit on our butts for long periods of time- then order a Giant Whopper sandwhich with fries and Pepsi. Drinking along with eating also messes up our digestive fluids even further- and we end up with more
parasites than the wild animals have because of this.
We humans need to learn a lesson in how to eat and live from the wild animals-- then we will find ourselves free of many diseases we took for granted.
5. When thirsty, animals will not drink chlorinated or flouridated water. They will naturally go towards fresh stream that has alot of naturally oxegenated water. Oxygen kills cancer cells and we humans dont get enough oxygen in us.
Fresh outside air, oxygen from moving around outside, and water that is LIVE and moving in streams all bring oxygen in the body. We humans have ruined our drinking water with all the crap the governement insists be added to our tap water. Even taking a bath or shower in our chlorinated water is bad for us as the chorine steam from our showers or bath water enters our bodies. if we swim, its generaly in a chlorinated pool. Animals will swim in ponds, lakes, or wade in creeks.
House pets will never live as long as a wild animal- because we "Humanize" conditions for them. Give them tap water for drinking water, make them live in our homes with all the chemical treated fabrics and air freshners, and cleaning supplies., etc.
give them bubble baths in chemical additive pet shampoos, give the dried store bought pet foods that are only fit for cockroaches to live on nutritionally wise., etc, etc.
Also, if we have pets, the most excersize they get is to walk on a leash on a side walk. Spurts of running helps an animal and human eliminate and clean out the colon. We dont let our animals run because there really isnt that much room in society for a n animal to run without being hit by a car. That is partly why our pets are constipated when wild animals are not.
Best to follow the things a wild animal does for better health- and to take ourselves and our pets out once a month to the Country to get some break from a slow death from civilization.