The side effects i experienced were bad headaches and sore guts, on the 4th and 5th day of the cleanse they were the worst I had over the whole cleanse, I did think it might be the herbs I was taking causing it but I stuck with it. I guess it was more than likely the die off becasue I didnt really have many more bad days after that, even at the end of the cleanse when I was taking the maximum doses of herbs. By the way I did the
Hulda Clark cleanse. And zapped for 2 weeks before starting the herbs, and passed vast amount of
parasites for the first five days of zapping, quite wild.
So go for it, you wont believe the difference u have energy wise, and how it completly changes ur frame of mind and outlook on life, I am more relaxed and happy, and I havent even started the other cleanses yet, I cant wait. Right where,s then epson salts, and yummy olive oil :)