This is what my doctor said: Hummus is both starch and protein, but has a tendency to lean slightly more towards starch, so he wants me to eat is only once in a while and when I do, with veggies.
Nuts, of any kind, are a no-no, at least for me, because he said they are some kind of weird protein (cannot remember what he called them) and I am guessing he meant that they are very hard to digest and thus, he doesn't want me to have them right now. I used to eat nuts with no problem, but after last night, seeing how horrible a condition my digestive track is, I will not argue with him. I had THE WORST heartburn last night, I have ever had in my life. It was excruciating. It was like someone was sticking an ice pick through my upper stomach (under the breasts), and through to my back. It came in spasm like waves and at 8:30 last nightm, I went to 4 different stores trying to find some Mothers Apple Cider Vinegar, because I read that a Tab. of that in 8
oz. of water will stop the heartburn. I'm sure mine is completely die-off, as I had really weird bowel and gas reactions all day yesterday and had other die-off symptoms as well. Oh joy, soooooo much fun. I had forgotten how lovely die-off is. I am dreading today a bit, as I'm scared to go possibly have that pain again at some point today, but I'm hoping it was just a one time deal....perhaps the
parasites were not happy with receiving the eviction notice from my doctor.