Certainly! :)
It's an ancient, ancient concept. You'll find it in the Kaballah, which is one of my favorite versions, the Essene Mysteries/Gnostic philosophy, and co-creative science. Machaelle Small Wright of Perelandra Nature Research, says that one of the reasons we are here in physical form is to find the balance between involution and evolution.
Just to clarify, Involution is the process of becoming more and more solid, getting into a denser vibration level, further away from the Source, which is the Void, where there is nothing but pure potential - no real form.
Involution means becoming more individuated - more of an individual - separate, defined, yet still part of All That Is, naturally. The process of self-discovery, being co-creators, going forth and creating.
The story of being tossed out of the Garden of Eden puts a lot of moral judgement into this concept, but really there is no negative judgement placed on becoming denser in form.
In this concept, God is the Original Consciousness that first had self-awareness, which is like having two consciousnesses and intelligence really, and so in becoming self-aware (and probably pretty bored in just a Void with no space, time or distance to organize it), created the Big Bang that created souls. God is now purely passive, just allowing us to exist and continue the creation process without any divine intervention, living vicariously through us. God needs Us to Experience. Thru us, all life, God experiences and feels, and in partnership with God's enregy, we create energy and form.
Evolution is the process of returning to the Source, accessing the "higher" faster vibrations, including when we gather up all our potential selves and selves in other dimensions, become One again, eventually losing individuality to join the All as the universe folds back in on itself.
The first three Chakras are all about existing on this planet - survival, sex, power dynamics. The heart chakra is the Bridge between our Drama here and the Truth everywhere, it makes sure we never truly lose our connection with the other vibration levels. The higher 3 chakras are all about tapping into the Universal Consciousness, Source, energy, messages, etc., and faster/lighter dimensions, such as Ultra Violet or X-Ray light frequencies.
So to seek involution/evolution balance means that we are well grounded here. We're stable, peaceful, pay the bills, have given up on Drama, seen the passion play for the setup it is. We're free to access the upper three chakras and use them, able to expand and enfold the gifts there - gifts of health, peace, service to humanity, feeling the unconditional love. We're not constantly chasing after the almighty dollar, altho we could be rich that's totally okay, neither are we reaching up and wishing for more spirituality, storming the gates of heaven by being "holier than thou" all the time. We're not in constant want, need, and coveting all the time. We don't age as fast.
That's involution/evolution balance.
Hope I explained it clearly! :)