basically just plain water for at least 30 seconds washes off about 90% of germs..
you can easily make a nice antibacterial soap of your own with tea tree oil/ and water, and there are many herbs that can be used as soap substitutes that are non- latering and also lathering.
if looking for a good dishwash soap or laundry soap etc..
DR. BRONNERS teatree oil soap concentrate is great or the peppermint one also.
apple cider vinegar is incredible
i have used avc and baking sod for most any of my house cleaning needs.. and the avc is smelly at first , but it dissapates quickly enuff.
that stuff will loosen the grime off anything fairly fast in a soak, and if you wash produce with it diluted in water it will not affect taste.
a good scrub for stained bottoms of glass cookware is salt paste.
after a short avc water soak.
a quick polisher for copper bottom stuff if i remember is tomato juice or plain ketchup. (if i remember right,lol !
i only ever had copper bottom stuff years ago, and last year got rid of remaining metal pots i had left to go all glassware.)