I am a big fan of apple cider vinegar, particularly Patricia Bragg's. I have used it with local honey for dieting and detoxification, and felt no ill effects. However, I have run across the follow precautions, and I'm seeking knowledgeable comments.
1. Does ACV's fermented quality feed yeast? How well is this compensated for by its plus sides like the potassium?
2. Can ACV be OK by itself, but is it better to avoid honey with it (I believe its the honey addition that keeps away hunger)? 3. I have Type O Blood, and Peter D'Adamo identifies vinegar as harmful and leading to agglutination for me. Any truth to this? Overriding benefits?
4. Although Bragg's ACV is organic, I have not refrigerated it after opening. Is this a mistake?
5. Does anyone else use a combination of white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide to cleanse produce? What amounts do you use, and how long do you soak it for? I've been using perhaps a teaspoon of each in 2
quarts of water for years and generally appreciate the result, although the skin on some produce such as carrots can quickly deteriorate.
Feel free to comment on any portion of this lengthy tome. Best wishes....