Odds are, all those old joints "hurt", but the brain gets use to it and its just daily life that is "ignored".
That and the fact then"brain" decides what we feel, be it real or faked by the brain-----gets complicated thanks to the tricky brain.
When using this or that on lets say---your foot and that herb worked on that foot---but then those herbs are collected by the blood and must go through that knee and by the time it gets to the knee--it is weak and now for the first time---your knee hurts.....is that because the foot stopped hurting and now your knee is "noticeable?
That is the issue when using external spray or ointments.....local treatment that leaves the rest of the body out.
When using internal herbs that kill all pains, you wonder if your joints were cured or the brain just shut up and you do not feel that pain from the brain anymore------the only way to know is to stop all herbs and see if the pains return and if they do, then you know the cure was not finished and perhaps that could take 7 years----you never know....it took years to fall apart and it can take years to rebuild----
All the human joints are an interesting subject--because every human will loose theirs in time.