Here's where I would ask you what kind of test you had to rule out Strongyloides.
If it's a stool test, those are only 30% effective. The screening sample is very small...PLUS you won't see any worms until they're actually letting go and dying off.
Re the CBC, the docs look for elevated eosinophils in the count, which can indicate a parisitic infection. That works if you're only mildly infected. If you have immune system problems or have been using prednisone or hydrocortisone or steroid shots--for several days, weeks, or months--your immunity was supressed enough to allow
parasites to go into overdrive...and, if THIS happened, they would have managed to turn off the action of eosinophils and your body's ability to fight the infection.
I finally started figuring out my infection after I had a spinal tap. I had lesions on my brain (turned out to be parasitic cysts), and underwent the procedure for suspected Multiple Sclerosis. In the end, it only showed that I had VERY LOW Immunoglobulin G--an immune factor that is supposed to be HIGH when you have a mild parasitic infection.
I'd also shown abnormally LOW--as in ZERO--eosinophils for several years. I was THAT sick. My immune system had been completely compromised...and this was right around when COVID started making the news.
Long story short, please don't take your doc's insights at face value, unless he/she is an Infectious Disease Specialist. There are way too many variables.