Question1: Why would spend hundreds of thousands of dollara and why would Purest Colloids (Mesosilver) spend half a million dollars on their equipment...
Answer1: We've covered this particular question in the past, and so I'll simply expand on my previous sentiment on this. In short, people invest money to make money. And is the reason why your partner owns a business today. Which I think we can all agree would seem like a rather obvious question and answer.
Question2: ...if they could make a silver solution that was even close to as good as theirs at a tiny fraction of the cost using electrolysis...
Answer2: What good are statement such as "good", if they cannot be substantiated in testing? In short, it would appear that the use of terms such as "good" and/or "best", are based on the anecdotal testimonies of people. ie, Jamie says it's good, vs. Jane who says it's the best, and so-on and so-forth. Though without formal testing, I'd add that claims such as "good" or "best", would have no inherent value beyond that of personal opinions. Which isn't to say that good or best is inherently bad, but that the use of such terms cannot measure-up to controlled testing. And that these offer no advantages over any of the other claims based on the very same principal. ie, people saying that their homemade CS is the best, and so-on and so-forth(see).
Therefore and with respect to good and best, the conclusion is that these are nothing more than personal opinions.
RE: ...No electrolysis method can produce particles even 1/100th as small, and most not even 1/1000th as small as the production methods they employ and particle size is a key to
Colloidal Silver effectiveness.
A. You've been on these forums for a long time, and yet you don't know the difference between a silver particle and an ion? In short, there is nothing smaller than silver ions in the world of physical properties. And no amount of arguing is ever going to change that.
Similarly, the particle size and density of your partners product bore no outstanding characteristics in terms of particle density and efficacy. ie, the overall saturation on the particulate side was low enough to avoid a color shifting(plasmon), whereas the ionic portion of the solution allowed it to rise above it's commercial particulate counterparts(ie,Mesosilver). Though it would not however, prove to be "better" than the DYI ionic solutions an some of the other commercial ionic products. And in some cases, would prove to be much worst in that regard(more on this later)
With that said, and without discounting the magnificence of a high voltage electrolysis setup. The results of HVAC solutions show no superiority to their LVDC counterparts under equal terms. Which leads us to ask, why is that?
I believe the answer is quite obvious; The mechanisms making
Colloidal Silver effective against bacteria are ionic in nature. In short, it is the ionic exchange that does the work. To which I'd add, is rather old news under the tenets of scientific research. Whereas, the LVDC process used to make
Colloidal Silver at home creates what we'd call ionic solutions(see). Therefore, when we place both solutions under similar conditions(head-to-head), we find the results consistently showing that the LVDC solutions will outperform their particulate counterparts(see).
Now when we say head-to-head, I want to clarify that this refers to solutions of equal ppm, under equal conditions - of which, many manufacturers will juggle in their own attempt to sway things in their favor. Whereas honest testing methods, will divulge such facts in both their methodology and conclusions.
Therefore and with that being said, the results are as follows; a 10ppm LVDC solution will outperform a 10ppm HVAC solution in bacterial count in every single occasion. Likewise, a 10ppm LVDC solution, will follow a 10pppm HVAC solution under acid exposure within mere seconds(+/-3). Now to be fair, I wouldn't discount the possibility of a lead time(not Utopia-Silver) in terms of getting ions into the bloodstream through the gut. Though I'm not convinced that this be any better than an ionic solution under similar conditions once we factor the additional steps required to achieve an ionic exchange between hosts(bioreactivity).
Therefore and in conclusion, my position is that while buying Colloidal Silver could certainly prove helpful, that the ultimate scenario would be that of a homemade solution possessing higher ionic properties - "fresh is best"
- hope this helps
PS. The matter through to your attention regarding product marketing and promotion pertained to your commitment to the success of a particular business affiliation - iow. governed by the success of a business rather than truth(see)