Im starting the humaworm cleanse tomorrow. I am scared and feel alone. If anyone just did this cleanse or is also just starting it i would love to have a buddy as i go through this. Please feel free to reach out. Thanks!
I just recently started my cleanse and it has been pretty rough. I will definitely help you through this and I can give you tips to make the cleanse more pleasant.
I know the feeling I'm all alone too very sick right now and I have to try and make it to an infectious disease appt. 2 hrs away in Tucson all my myself next to the UofA cancer on Monday center in regards to whipple's disease I'm scared they haven't helped me in regards to it at all yet and I just keep getting sicker day by day no fun when you have no one there for support so you can always talk to me if you need a friend I don't know much about the humaworm stuff but I do have a medical field background.