According to hitherto findings the morgellons disease is a mycosis caused by an unknown genus of fungi. The disease is not officially recognized; hence there is no acknowledged list of symptoms available. According to different estimations about 300,000 to 600,000 patients worldwide are affected by serious symptoms related to the disease.
During medical treatment it showed that an infection with morgellons hardly ever leads to visible symptoms. Visible symptoms normally appear only with a weakened immune system. Therefore the research also touches the typical diseases that lie under a heavy morgellon infection and are responsible for the weakening of the immune system. It is hard to estimate how many people are actually infected without showing symptoms. It is very likely that the majority of the population of the western countries has been in contact with morgellons, however their immune system manages to handle the disease more or less without showing visible symptoms.
The morgellons disease relates to a number of symptoms. However up to date the disease is not officially recognized. And therefore there is no official list of symptoms. Normally patients are diagnosed having "delusional parasitosis" and are treated with psychopharmaca (psychiatric drugs).
yes it is a fungus. read and then click on the video links to find out how/why morgellons is a fungal disease