According to Dr Andre Kruger (the 'fast doctor'):
Type I diabetes Mellitus by definition is the result of the destruction of the Beta-cells in the Islets of the pancreas. These cells "measure" blood sugar and secrete Insulin accordingly. Insulin then "drives" the "insulin receptors" on our other cells. These are little "pumps" that move blood sugar from the surroundings into the cells. The word Insulin is derived from Islets. Small "islands" of Beta-cells scattered among the pancreas tissues.
Thus, according to the strict definition of Type I DM, it is incurable. We cannot produce new Beta cells. At least this has never been demonstrated. However, I have witnessed on the odd occasion Type I DM reversing during a longish fast. This was however almost exclusively very shortly after the diagnosis. The islet cells were therefore not totally dead yet, only damaged and therefore unable to produce insulin. During a fast we do not need insulin, as most of the body runs on ketones, and the bit of sugar that is formed from fat, can be consumed by the heart and the brain, the two organs capable of ingesting blood sugar without the aid of insulin. Theoretically during this "holiday" for the Beta-cells, they may repair themselves before they die, but then we have to address the original "cause" of their being damaged. Thus: 1. I try to prolong this "holiday" by administering Insulin at full replacement dosages for a few days, even weeks, after the patient has started eating. 2. I always suggest a purely vegan diet afterwards. This is because animal products might contain proteins similar to those on the beta cells, which could have triggered the immune response originally responsible for the damage. A bigger topic, I know, but we should keep Forum posts short. Dr André |
All my posts are "generic", based on my opinions and experiences only and are not intended to replace the advice of your own licensed medical practitioner.
So he would appear to disagree with Dr Shelton. I believe he argues on the Fasting Connection forum:
......that virtually all health issues are improved by fasting - including Type 1 & Type 2 DM. He is a world-class authority on fasting, as well as a highly qualified lamestream medic., which makes him almost unique. Most medics are clueless about the health benefits of fasting.
You're welcome Hans89.
Yes, Dr Kruger is a brilliant source of info., very knowledgeable, and the nicest guy you could wish to meet. He once treated me for renal calculus at my local hospital a few years ago, so I speak from experience.
Unfortunately, the forum had to suspend public write access when one of the moderators died unexpetedly. The forum was getting the blame from family members for its advocacy of fasting as a health-enhancing modality, even though there was no evidence that the moderator was fasting at the time, or that his death was fasting-related. The forum just became an easy target because it's a well-known fact that fasters are immortal, never die, and never have any other health issues that might account for their demise.
Having said that, I believe it is still possible to put questions directly to the doc., and this notice on the home page tends to imply as much:
Please post here if you specifically need a Medical Expert's Opinion on your health or fasting related issues. The Fast Doctor will reply time permitting but please please read the FAQ and forum topics before you post as you are bound to find your answers on the FAQ page. And if you have benefited from The Fast Doctor's support please consider purchasing his e-book: Health Won as a token of your gratitude. it's worth a try at least if you still have specific questions that remain unanswered. You may not get an instant reply, but he should reply within a couple of days or so. You may have to open an account to make contact with him, but that should be no more than a formality.
Otherwise, if you type the word 'diabetes' or related key words (such as ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia, etc) in the search field here:
...not forgetting to define your search parameters, you might be able to find the answers you are looking for in some of the other threads. This is a fairly extensive resource with answers relating to practically every health issue, so it's unlikely you have even begun to scratch the surface yet.
As for the book, the same notice copied above suggests it's only available as an e-book, and I assume you've tried but failed to obtain a download. I can make enquiries for you about its current status if you're still having problems sourcing it. I have a personal contact who might be able to 'connect' you with a copy.
Just let me know, & I'll see what I can do for you.
I noticed that my usual login doesn't work either, so things might have changed slightly since the site was moved recently to a new hosting provider.
It should still be possible to navigate around the site tho, so I'm surprised to hear you're having those problems. Try these links, & let me know if you have any joy with them:
and this was the original link I gave you specifically for Type 1:
The other thread titles are all T2, but type 1 may well crop up inside other threads as a side-topic. You need a working search function to find them though, and the appropriate search parameter.
As for the book, I'll make some enquiries for you & let you know. I was T2 myself, and am now 'off-register' thanks to control via fasting.
Hmm........yeah, that is weird. Not sure what's going on there.
Did you set the date parameter to 'Any date' rather than leave the default on (A year ago)? That will defo. make a difference. There won't be any returns for less than a yr old - the forum has now been inactive for a lot longer than that. Worth a try if only to eliminate it as a possible explanation.
If still no joy, can you tell me where you're based geographically? Country name will do. I can then make enquries about possible geographical restrictions, but I think that's an unlikely explanation.
I've made enquiries about the book, so I'll let you know as soon as I get a reply.
PS Yes, insulin sensitivity is vastly improved by fasting - especially prolonged fasting, or even regular IF. One theory is that a reduction of visceral fat (aka 'invisible' or 'dangerous' fat) gives the pancreas a new lease of life. If you think of it in terms of breaking out from its 'prison' of fat, you're probably not far off the mark. I believe there is also clinical evidence that supports this theory, and a www search should turn up quite a few hits on the topic.
Another theory is that the fast gives the pancreas a break, giving it time to repair itself & make more effective insulin, etc. The caveat though is that T1 is less susceptible to these benefits, and even in T2, if the subject returns to the poor eating habits that caused the diabetes in the first place, the benefits will be short-lived after normal feeding has been resumed.
OK, I now have the book in pdf form. I'll see first if I can post it in the cloud as a google doc. so other interested parties can access it as well. Failing which, you might need to pm me your e-mail address so I can send it to you as an attachment. I'll let you know in due course when I'm able to find the time.