Hi all. I am new to the forum and had a question about the possibility of antifungals (natural) and candida cleansing related to weight gain? For the past few weeks I had been eating a very low carb and zero
Sugar diet. I would lose some weight but wasn't experiencing any die-off symptoms of my candida. I started the GAPS intro diet about 10 days ago and started taking high quality probiotics and natural antifungals (garlic, grapefruit seed extract and pau d'arco). I thought I would lose weight by only eating healthy fats, bone broth soups, veggies and some meat. Low and behold I have gained weight and now seem to be holding and staying at this bigger weight. I'm experiencing some die-off symptoms (yeast excretion in various gross forms 😖) and some mild brain fog and headaches, low energy. I am wanting to heal, bottom line, and I really am feeling much better on this diet. My digestion and stomach is just so much better, so I really believe this diet is helping. However, I am just really wondering what is happening to my body on the weight gain side. I was losing weight on a similar diet before I was taking the probiotics and antifungals. I'm being stricter and healthier than I've been for a long time. I was 20
pounds or so overweight when I started, and now I've added about 7
pounds to that. Is there any explanation for this you all my have? Sorry for the long post, and please don't think I'm just looking for a quick weight loss fix in this way of eating. It is just a difficult side effect to deal with when I'm growing out of all my clothes for no apparent reason...!!!