You think just because you say it, we believe it? You were told before to post sources.
If she pitched anything for the drug cartels then anything else you cl;aim she says is worthless.
Dental cleanup was real for health issues, I can tell you that from experience. Plus there are plenty of sources to back that up.
Oral health is one of the most important. 461 is just a sales rep pay no attention to it.
Your opinion? Have a Source?
The idea is to have some source(s) so that readers can make up their own mind as to the validity of what the writer says.
Incharge, from my experience, no, the dental clean up isn't all that critical.
You ignored the two sources I gave you that says it is, and other doctors and scientist have replicated the same thing to show root canals are dangerous to your health.
Dr. Weston Price puts a root canal taken from a dental clean up, and installs it under the skin of animals.
"The gist of the research and of the thousands of animal studies is this: That root-canal-filled teeth always remain infected no matter how good they might look or how good they might feel. Dr. Price suspected that bacterial infection accompanied many degenerative illnesses. In the beginning, he didn't know what bacteria were involved or just how they contributed to so many disease conditions. But he did recall that in medical practice doctors made cultures from the infection site, grew the organism present in a culture medium and then injected the bacteria into an animal to see if they could reproduce the disease and thereby prove it was the cause of the illness. Dr. Price suspected that these infections arose from the teeth. He decided to implant an extracted root-filled tooth under the skin of an animal. He felt that if bacteria were present and carrying illness, their presence in a tooth might offer the same kind of proof physicians found when they injected the bacterial culture to produce disease in an animal. That is exactly what took place. He found that by implanting the root-filled tooth, the disease of the patient was transferred to animals. Whatever disease the patient had, the animal with the extracted tooth under its skin developed the same disease as the patient. In other words, if the patient had heart disease, the animal developed heart disease. If he had kidney trouble, disease of the kidney was transferred to the animal. If he had a problem in his joints, the animals' joints became similarly involved. The principle held true for the whole spectrum of human ailments. Whatever the disease, the animal would develop that of the patient. Most of the time Dr. Price found the bacteria involved were of the streptococcus family, but he also found staphylococcus, spirochetes and fungi. He found that if a patient had more than one root-canal treated tooth, he could actually have a different organism infecting each one of the treated teeth. That is the reason some people have various ailments from their teeth, all at the same time. In addition, infected root canals have a detrimental effect on the immune system, causing a number of different illnesses. For a long time, Dr. Price had trouble finding out just how the bacteria existed in the tooth. His own experience in treating infection present in root canals led him to believe that disinfectants controlled the organisms. Thousands of experiments proved this assumption to be incorrect."
If that isn't enough I lived it. Got rid of fibromyalgia in shoulder, Arthritis in hips and legs. 4, or 5 years of chronic sinus infections, tinitus, etc.
The point is it doesn't matter what you think. The reader has the right to choose from any and all sources to make up their own minds, and this was an edict from the Web Master years ago.
You claim to have so much education which is also becoming doubtful because of not being able to grasp this simple rule. It's not rocket science.