The doctors are a very poor resource for diagnosing parasites--'medical' schools teach little to nothing about real
parasite symptoms, just how those very symptoms are those pretend 'auto-immune' diseases. To what do they attribute the 'lesions? Something more likely than bunch of tiny
parasites chomping away at the surface of your brain?
Have you even tried zapping?? I bet not. And for sure the pharmaceutical cartel would lose lots of money if they couldn't sell you all of the drugs they no doubt have you on. Are they going to want you or the rest of your fellow sufferers knowing it's just easily treated
parasite infestations? Granted they won't lose as much as they will when the whole 'cancer' con gets exposed, but 'auto-immune' brings in plenty I'm sure. Doctors are basically just pushers for the pharmaceutical drug cartel.
I'd not trust any of that lot to know their heads from a hole in the ground. They are so mistrained and lied to about most any disease, not just 'auto-immune', thanks to the corrupt and greed driven cartel that do all the fake research used to 'prove' their lying money grabbing 'cause unknown' diseases.