such an interesting thread, really enjoying it , having discovered it by googling something, I forget what, last night.
"One way I deal with it, is I often ask, am I asking the right question for the answer I want. Or is this true on the highest objective level, because it will also go with your, or some authority's (must be right, eh?) opinion, if the beliefs are strong enough. Like a 'doctor' or 'minister'. Or if you're overly emotional about some thing. Again it may automatically go with your opinion with it's attendant intensity, unless you say differently."
this is so important, I think. The more you do of the self-inquiry
(using oneself as the "instrument of peace" if you will, and doing that in a way that balances receptivity with insight/question) , the more you tune in to what I discovered one day that was a big AHA for me.
"ask better questions" came the still, silent voice, in a very gentle way...
For a few years I used to routinely ask what time my partner would arrive home, since it enabled me to easily gauge my time, and be in synch with meal-prep. etc. Perhaps because he has a 'condition' something like "MS", but not that, (though the label is not that relevant), he does ordinary physical things at half-speed or less, and it was quite useful, beneficial for everyone to be able to simply ask when he's arrive. Even he couldn't have speculated!
One day, it stopped 'working' for me to ask "when will he be back here?" He would arrive before the time stated, or after. (And I'd get things like "he would have except for...such and such. ) Then I realized one day, he was not actually 'in' his body, at times. Or,
wasn't actually 'home' until he'd been home for ten minutes or so, and was able to "relax", as he puts it. I'd ask casually, if he felt he was 'somewhere else', and it became clear that he was out of synch with the physical. as in 'mismatched body parts', and so on. It would be -and is- fruitless to ask mainstream medical about such realities, which much of the world still perceives as speculative fiction, at best.
anyway, what happened was, I started to ask better questions. . .
with more awareness of the subtle.
Thanks for this thread. I'm sure others will come upon it and find it beneficial.
(interestingly, my partner was "born in a paint can", not literally, but has a lifetime of cadmium. . . and a past of myelin sheathes stripped-- a lot of the roots of this can be non-physical, and yes, other lives. It's a big picture. )