Hey jagdpanther,
I can tell you from personal experience of taking selenium supplements that if you take it too long it can cause stomach cramps... plus it caused my lips to split, crack and bleed...
At that point I stopped taking it so I didn't get to the point of hair loss...
It's also why I stopped eating garlic...
I don't know if you've experienced any issues like that yet... or you may have a higher tolerance...
Nowadays, I get the recommended daily intake by eating nuts and seeds...
The whole foods are safer and it's extremely hard to overdose on it...
There's some evidence that indicates high selenium doses *may* cause or worsen diabetes... [1]
I don't know if you're diabetic or not as it isn't quite clear... it's only clear you're taking selenium to beat down the joint pain...
You're best bet is to try and reduce the free radicals or inflammation compounds in your body if you're just trying to deal with joint pain...
That's where you've got reactive oxygen species or ROS that's literally scorching your cells, joints and tissues from the inside...
If you've got diabetes, then blood
Sugar build up is just piling up even more ROS damage on you... because the
Sugar transforms into mutant
Sugar bombs or AGEs (advanced glycation end products)...
So it means it's coming down to your diet...
You may be eating foods or downing chemicals that are igniting this wildfire of destruction... and... you might not be eating enough anti-oxidant or anti-inflammation foods...
I highly suggest checking out Paleo, LCHF or high anti-inflammation diets like...
Robb Wolf's Paleo Solution (http://www.amazon.com/The-Paleo-Solution-Original-Human/dp/0982565844)...
Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint (http://www.amazon.com/Primal-Blueprint-Reprogram-effortless-boundless/dp/0982207786/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1456102263&sr=1-1&keywords=primal+blueprint)...
or this diabetic's free Diabetes Mastery Blueprint (http://diabetesmasteryblueprint.com) or his full system (http://how-to-treat-diabetes.com/)...
They've all got effective advice and I've tried them all...
It's probably going to be better for your health in the long run than downing selenium supplements and risking a very real overdose issue...
[1] Vinceti, Marco, et al. "Adverse health effects of selenium in humans." Reviews on environmental health 16.4 (2001): 233-252.
Mueller, Andreas S., et al. "Selenium and diabetes: an enigma?." Free radical research 43.11 (2009): 1029-1059.
Laclaustra, Martin, et al. "Serum selenium concentrations and diabetes in US adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2003–2004." Environmental health perspectives 117.9 (2009): 1409-1413.
Navas-Acien, Ana, Joachim Bleys, and Eliseo Guallar. "Selenium intake and cardiovascular risk: what is new?." Current opinion in lipidology 19.1 (2008): 43-49.
Stranges, Saverio, et al. "Higher selenium status is associated with adverse blood lipid profile in British adults." The Journal of nutrition 140.1 (2010): 81-87.
Chan, June M., et al. "Plasma selenium, manganese superoxide dismutase, and intermediate-or high-risk prostate cancer." Journal of Clinical Oncology27.22 (2009): 3577-3583.