Due to increase acidity in stomach lately (most probably by H.Pylori revival) I start tolerating less and less the B5 panthotenic acid form.
I was taking the LifeExtension brand.
I was wondering if Panthetine is better tolerated?
Anyone tried it? Any brand? side effects?
I have taken Panthetine for two months, sublingually, Jarrow brand. Seemed to increase libido by lowering prolactin and energy as well. No side effects.
I am going to switch to normal B5 because of the price, we´ll see.
You've said "increase libido (by lowerinf..) and energy" or "by lowering...and energy"?
WHen I took B5 panthotenic acid had more energy but also something was wrong. cause felt weird. maybe it overstimulated something. started with 100 mg till 400/day
Yeah positive man! It increased libido BECAUSE it lowers prolactin (as confirmed in clinical studies and trials) and upped energy by its role in the adrenal cascade etc.