how about it's my party and i'll invite who i want to~
you can do the same at your own private forum~
if it's a private forum, the person who started should make the rules, otherwise there is nothing private about it and it doesn't belong to trapper
who is benefitting from the use of his name,
the investment he made to build up the traffic?
his forum has been stolen
his exclusive rights and privileges should be restored in order for the integrity to return at Cure Zone
all the offensive and disgusting posts i objected to at the Ask Trapper forum, the vehement venomous personal attacks on him, have continued even after the hijacking of his forum and new moderators were assigned
how can they get away with spewing vitriolic hatred at Trapper
and nobody is allowed to say anything bad about the Learned Elders of Zion?!?!
which is purported to be a hoax and it is a jewish man turned christian who
loves to entertain us with his ranting
so now the most interesting stuff, cutting edge information that won't show up in the news, which may or may not be true, but some of us enjoy chewing on the fat and fleshing out the reality of it all, is gone, gone, gone
the vicious hatred of trapper has deteriorated the most popular forum at Cure Zone into a boring watered down cow towed tame the sheople bunk dump
it is beyond jaded love
it is perverted rascism
and hatred