One thing that has been proven true on this forum, all the way back in the archives, which is like 15 years...... everyone is different, our bodies react differently to various herbs and meds, and something that works for one person may not work for the next. Also, sometimes it takes longer for something to work for you, when the next person seems to get immediate results.
So yes, follow your gut (Haha) and do what feels right to you and what gives you results.
One thing that stands out to mention that it was not the fenbendazole that "killed them", yet you claim it may not be a parasite. If it can be killed, then it was living. If it was living inside you, then it would be a parasite, no?
Like you, I don't agree with the entire rope worm theory. However, we don't know what they are, and neither does the author or anyone he works with, yet..... I do appreciate his work, and eagerly await the future findings.
There have been pictures posted here for years, and these things seem to be getting bigger, fatter, and longer, in just the last three years. Of course there are new things that people have been trying, but I also know that in the past, some pretty strong protocols have been followed, and these large ropes were not released, only long skinny ones.
Some think the stone breaker helps break up the biofilm, so maybe that is what you needed to release them, and maybe the fenbendazole had worn them down?