As I hope you know, there is no money in America since 1933. The only lawful money defined by the Constitution is gold or silver backed money, and that was taken away and made "illegal" in 1933.
All we have now are IOU's. Credit cards & checks are obviously IOU's. But so are federal reserve notes. (frn's) We owe the federal reserve for every dollar printed. And especially since they are buying all our debt now, because the rest of the world realizes the dollar is worthless too.
And as you can see by the staged and planned "shut down", if we don't raise the debt limit, we don't pay our bills. This is why they say all money is debt. Because there is no money. And it further shows we are broke!
Now for all these years America has considered frn's money. And they say on them that they are "legal tender", which is a fancy word for slave money, monopoly money or legally counterfeited money. But it's labeled "legal tender".
Well guess what happens on Jan. 1st 2014? The definition for legal tender will no longer exist. You an read the Bill that cancels it here:
You can read right at the beginning of the Bill which says: "3 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.
4 This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Free Competition in
5 Currency Act of 2013’’.
7 (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 5103 of title 31, United
8 States Code (relating to legal tender), is hereby repealed."
They are going to eliminate the definition for legal tender in the United States Code. And it frees the "competition in currency."
This shows there is going to be a competition for currencies. And it eliminates the legal definition for legal tender which is defined as: "United States coins and currency (including Federal reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal reserve banks and national banks) are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes, and dues. Foreign gold or silver coins are not legal tender for debts."
So what this does is eliminate the legal definition for what money is in the United States. If there is no definition, then anything could be money until they redefine it again. A bag of weed, sea shells, gold or an IOU.
The big question is why are they doing this? I don't pretend to know what these crooks are up to. But it's obvious that definition is no longer going to work in their plans. Legal tender is going to be something else.
Could the federal reserve be going bye bye? Could we be going to an all credit card system nationally or globally? Or could the Basil III system be forcing them to go to an asset backed system? We know the US signed onto BASIL III, and they're getting rid of Bernanke and replacing him, and the supposed 100 year contract with the federal reserve runs out this year. (Started in 1913) Plus the World Bank had a big meeting in DC today discussing the global monetary system. Or could there be a new "world currency" like the Chinese yang or what ever it's called on the way?
I don't know, but until they redefine what legal tender is or what money is, anything goes. There are plenty of laws saying a promissory note is money in our current bankrupt system. I think the above Congressional record showed that? And until they change promissory notes being money, it still stands if you know what I mean. I know of someone who eliminated over $100,000 in debt to the Porto Rico IRS (the US IRS) by basically writing them a check he made up. And since the definition for legal tender will be eliminated in a couple months, this method will be more successful in 2014.
Anyway, I'll shut up. The bottom line is, a big change is coming economically. Time will tell for sure what it is. Personally I'm voting for the good guys who are forcing Basil III onto the world and the US has agreed to. The mere fact that the crooks have eliminated the legal tender definition and adopted the BASIL III system is an indication the federal reserve and all the crooks behind it are on the way out. And that will be a big step towards freedom. Then we just have to clean house in DC!
Oh forgot to mention there are plenty of other indications that a new economic system is coming soon. So keep exposing the crooks and promoting good. We are so close to reaching that 100th monkey or the 10% tipping point where it is considered fact by most people that DC is a den of vipers and needs to be cleaned out.