ChelatinCanary's point is valid, but there's a diff between ONE cracked
Amalgam and a mouthfull of them. ONE may not be a problem, but 14 may be. I'd say try to estimate how toxic you are first? How many
Amalgams have you had and for how long? How are you feeling in general, are you feeling any of the symptoms of mercury poisoning? If I were you, I'd base my decision on that. I come from a country where mercury fillings were (and still are) routinely done, and most people *appear* to be OK and give birth to healthy children. I decided to replace my
Amalgams because I was experiencing chronic brainfog and I had 13 of them... so consider that :).
If the only issue for you was the *one* cracked
Amalgam and you are generally a healthy and clean eater, I'd wager you're more likely than not to be OK.
Disclaimer: Obviously, I am no MD and this is only an *opinion.*