I'll try to keep this short and readable:
Me: Young, male, athlete, college student.
Start: 5-7 years ago. Mold in room. Stress. Busy schedule. Physical exertion. Fell into patterns of exhaustion, constant sickness, insomnia - long slow slide into AF.
Middle: Lots of visits to the GP. GP's were rude, did not believe AF existed. Gave me antidepressants. Went to a local naturopath, slight help, but he was not overly competent.
More middle: Naturopath ordered test which revealed copper toxicity, although he did not believe it to be a real ailment I uncovered NB through my exploration on how to address copper issues.
NB: been doing it for 18 months now. NB alone is probably responsible for about 50% of my recovery, and I did not even follow the program very well. I shirked and bought cheap supplements, didn't get regular hair analysis, and didn't do sauna or enemas enough. I am so glad I did it and wish I had done a better job with it. Some periods were really really tough, I could feel myself detoxing, but it would pass and I would always feel better after.
I am at about 80 or 85% percent health right now. Recently aloe vera and Seriphos in addition to my self-made NB protocol (gb3, paramin, citraminsII, vit.d, taurine, zinc) have been really helpful. I still think digestion is the last frontier for me, I may need to do a
parasite cleanse.
Hang in there everyone! NB and healing from AF is a journey.