Yep I don't hope to get cured by coconut oil in a week but reached to a certain point I don't think that A MOISTURIZER will cure us in a snap.
There is an inflammation caused by whatever, biting, picking then rubbing, in my case, which lead to a renawal too fast.
It's evidently still an hypothesis, inasmuch as after all we went through, nothing isn't ever really sure. At a point, this one is the most believable.
So it depends on the estimation of each one and his feelings. If this hypothesis is the right, they key is no more trauma, moisturizer to feed lips and enable flakes to gently come off, then maybe some anti-inflammatory properties.
To come back to the oil, instead of coconut oil, which by the way I didn't find, I used virgin olive oil from the kitchen cupboard last night and it really did the trick.
JSL do you personally have the results of your tests at hospital?