This past month has been interesting with random old injuries appearing for no apparent reason.
I had a lower back strain appear for no reason and last for 4 days and go away as quickly as it came.
I had strained my lower back years ago and it lasted a couple of months and never came back until a few weeks ago.
A week later, an old shoulder injury appears out of the blue and lasts for 4 days and goes away.
I know this has to be the iodine pushing out the heavy metals and the borax pushing out the fluoride.
My mom just woke up with soreness in her lower chest only when she coughed hard and will see if it lasts 4 days.
This morning she woke up with old siatica pain in her leg and knee and will have to see if this lasts 4 days.
My mom is on 16 drops of Lugol's 5% per day and I am on 16 drops 2-3x per day.
Hi Grizz,
I am too lazy to take ALL of the companions, and I don't think the problems I encounter are non manageable.
I am just curious as to others experiences and I can log my own experiences as I move to iodine saturation.
Well, it seems my mom's lung soreness was possibly pneumonia from visiting a friend at a rehab center.
So, I gave her a superdose of vitamin D and all seems well.