Four days ago, Dan Severson suffered from cancer pain so badly he couldn't sleep. His pain and lack of sleep had gone on for months, and at times he wished he would die. He had bone pain in his spine, shoulder, lower abdomen, on his side, his pelvis and one of his legs.
On Sunday he went to his local Walgreens and picked up a capsaicin nasal spray that is typically used to solve sinus problems. He was so desperate he sprayed his sinuses in the store parking lot in his car. The pain stayed.
Four hours later he took another dose. This time his pain started to fade! An hour after he sprayed, his pain was nearly gone except for some minor irritation
His pain started to come back as he prepared for bed. So he sprayed again and once again his pain faded away. The next day, he continued to spray his sinuses every two hours, even though the directions said to use it far less.
When he woke up on Tuesday, he was pain free except for his left shoulder. He said he was also able to dream, something he hadn't done since the cancer pain had racked his body.
We spoke on the phone Wednesday night. He's going on a week's vacation trip! He also said he can walk now without feeling dizzy and needing to hold onto things. Isn't that something. Sunday he was in constant gnawing pain, but now Dan's only pain is in one shoulder, and it's not as bad as it was.
I want to find out if anyone else with cancer pain is able to get a positive response like this.
Please let me know if you or a family member tries this and what it did.
Dan used a product called Sinus Buster. Most likely any capsaicin nasal spray would perform in the same way.
I am not connected financially to Sinus Buster in any shape manner or form.
I'm simply looking for feedback, because this might be a huge discovery.