YESSSSSS! In fact, I no longer use antibiotics of any kind, I rely solely on colloidal silver. By the way, using colloidal silver for pneumonia, I was well within a week.
You need to take it internally AND nebulize with it. However, when nebulizing use colloidal silver and lobelia tincture. The lobelia tincture will relax the airway passages to help breathing. Five parts of colloidal silver to one part lobelia. The colloidal silver that I solely use is from Utopia Silver. It is the best quality and it has never failed me, even for pneumonia. Besides nebulizing with it, take at least two ounces daily internally. By the way, right now they are having a huge sale. Another product that I used and I highly recommend is Clear Lungs which Utopia Silver also carries. This product contains chinese herbs that will speedily and effectively expectorate all the congestion.
My best to you, and speedy healing.