So glad to hear from you!!! I am such an IDIOT... I got on here this morning (I haven't been on in a couple of weeks) and I kept getting this stupid "you have a new message" box pop up. Well I thought it was spam, so I kept hitting the X. The final time it popped up, I accidently clicked open, and it was a message from you :) What a weirdo I am!!!
I was just telling my husband that I was sooo glad to hear from you because we went through the same thing with that stupid IUD and connected and to then hear you are pregnant...just happy that I have someone who is going through it with me, someone that knows and understands what I have been through! And I know that you may be a bit scared, happy, nervous, anxious, all at the same time. That is exactly how I felt when I found out ( I worried about my health and the baby's). It took me a while to get over that, but it was because I didn't get any kind of relief before I had a chance to feel better. In fact, the day I went to pick up my bio-identical hormone I took a pregnancy test and there it was...positive!!
Anyway, I think you are going to do wonderful!!! You have had a break from the hell that is post Mirena and seem to have an excellent NatPath whom will take good care of you.
I am going to send you my e-mail address in a private message (if I can figure out how to use it), in hopes that we can keep in touch more easily during this time.
I will let you know what we find out on Thrusday:
********** BoY or GiRl********* :)