I have leaky gut but can't use probiotics. even in small doses they create extreme acidity, inflammation and basically prevent me from sleeping. I have a problem with high cortisol and I have linked it to my gut. when I keep the inflammation down with diet etc. the cortisol goes down, when I don't because I eat dairy, or take probiotics etc. the cortisol is up again and I can't sleep and get weird feelings in my legs, dizzy etc. I have low pancreatic enzymes shown on a stool test, but when I take them everything gets inflammed as well.
I also can't tolerate l-glutamine.
How can I heal this leaky gut? Licorice root?
Licorice root will help reduce the inflammation that leads to leaky gut as well as supports the adrenals. Supporting the adrenals will not help maintain proper cortisol levels, but will also help further reduce inflammation.
Combining the licorice root with yucca root (2:1 ratio) and ingesting a half teaspoon 3-4 times daily at least 20 minutes before meals will work even better. And both will also help with building up the flora, which is also very important with leaky gut.