I have been adding coconut oil to everything I can for about 2 weeks now. I use it in place of butter on toast (the jar I keep in fridge) and pour it on salads, add to cooking, protein shakes (keep some liquid form in cuboard) and I have noticed it really curbs my appetite, I can go most of the day on the toast and some fruit and nuts and don't eat after dinner (if I have chicken salad dressed in coconut oil).
Sometimes I realise I have only eaten about 1000 cals, and I am a gal who used to run on about 3000!!
I have not noticed it effecting my BSL"s yet, but I have lost a kilo since on it and that's a great start:-) alternate every 3 low cals days with a day of eating 'normally' (today it was a BBQ for dinner and a tiny piece of cake, plus a ruski) so my metabolism doesn't drop and most days I do about 30 mins cardio.
I am 44 and very high risk for diabetes and weight is really hard to shift these days... but with the addition of coconut oil to my
Sugar free (well, 6/7 days) diet which is fairly low carb/ow GI the weight is finally starting to leave. And I know it is fat as the 1.5cm gone from each measurement confirms it.
I know it seems paradoxical to eat pure fat and loose weight. Like I am effectively adding up to 120 cals everytime I smear coconut oil onto what I eat, but Its working for me:-) And if it weren't vco it would be butter, or flax seed oil - but they never satisfied like vco.
Oh, and I got a friend onto it who has been eating hardly anything and walking an hour a day with NO result, absolutely no movement on the scale, and since she takes it her appetite has decreased AND she lost 300 grams - in 2 days.
I also take 2 drops of
Lugol's iodine, massive doses of vitamins for pyrrole disorder (B6< Zinc, C, mag, selenium, E, etc) and keep the bowels moving with psylium.