I like cilantro and thought it had a benefit of clearing toxic metals from our systems, but is it dangerous to consume if we have mercury fillings?
I like what you had to say Chiron. I hope you're right because I love cilantro too and I have amalgam fillings. The problem is my mind is so foggy from who knows what, so I can't remember what's good or bad these days. I have no idea why I'm making everything so complicated! I love simplicity and peace.
If I just choose healing and peace will that work???
Peace and healing to You and everyone.....
I like cilantro and thought it had a benefit of clearing toxic metals from our systems, but is it dangerous to consume if we have mercury fillings?
As I have stated in the past I think the whole mercury amalgam issue is way over blown to begin with. Most of the mercury is leached out the amalgam within the first two years of being put in. And that gets mostly bound to phytates and algins from our diets preventing it from ever really being absorbed. The binding is so strong that as the phytates and algins get excreted they carry the toxic metals with them.
I have never seen the exact chemistry of how cilantro binds mercury, but I doubt if it would cause any problems with mercury fillings. If it is a strong binder like phytates and algins then it should prevent the mercury from being absorbed like phytates and algins do.