I beleive it's like a mung bean--but with a black skin.(and often sold powdered as "flour"
I have not seen any evidence on mung beans for liver support, but they have been shown to have anti-cancer activity against a few cancers including liver cancer.
Mung beans are also diuretic, but unfortunately diuretics are not going to do much of anything for ascities.
I found this--see what HV thinks of it...
sounds like you really need to support the liver; I guess you know that.)
all the best to you,
There are a few home remedy treatment options that will help control the condition. You could try boiling about 25 grams of gram in ¼ liter of water and straining it and drinking after the quantity of the water has reduced to about half. Follow this treatment on a daily basis for a period of about three weeks for optimum results. You could also try mixing half a teaspoon of garlic juice in 125 milliliters of water and drink the concoction for a few weeks.
Radish is another effective treatment option for ascites. You should try mixing ½ cup of the juice extracted from radish leaves with a little water. Strain and drink this juice on a daily basis. Increasing your intake of onion is also known to be a very efficient diuretic and a good medicine treatment for ascites.
I have heard of black radish being really good for the liver. Never worked with it personally though.
Does any one know of a natural cure for getting rid of the fluid build up ( I think they call it ascites) from cancer?
I have had intravenous chelation, B17, I have also had electromagnectic, ozone and oxegen treatment (hypobaric chamber). Since the treatment was integrative I took one course of chemotherapy but it was a devastating experience and I have not had any more since then. AfFter more than a month the vein through which the chemotherapy was given is still dark and sore to the touch.
Recently I have noticed that my abdomen is getting bigger and know that it is the fluid since that is what alerted me that I had cancer in the first place.
I really do not want to do anymore chemo. Is there something else that I can do, maybe some herb that I can take that would get rid of the fluid. I have also altered my diet drastically but am having problems finding enough organic fruit and vegetables where I live.
It does sound like ascites. If it gets to bad your doctor can do a tap to relieve the pressure. It is a simple procedure. Basically a large bore needle attached to a line and another needle is inserted in to the abdominal cavity. The other needle is inserted in to vacuum bottles to such the fluid out. Of course this is just a temporary relief as the problem that led to is still there.
As for treating it liver supporting herbs, especially the bitter ones will help reduce the ascites. I made a custom formula for a man with severe ascites from hepatitis about 15 years ago or so. They had him on Lasix (furosemide), but only put out about 100cc of fluid on the Lasix. He got fed up with the doctors and checked himself out of the hospital. His father took the formula to him and he started on it immediately. The next day I was getting calls from the whole family with the exciting news. After starting on the herbs he put out 3,000cc of fluid overnight and all the abdominal swelling went down. Two months later his doctor stated that they could not find any evidence of the hepatitis. The formula was the basis for my current Live-R-Ight formula. I made some updates from the original design to make the current formula. So this would be my primary recommendation. The formula is also loaded with antiviral herbs and immune supportive herbs that I also frequently recommend for cancers. If you want to read more about it here is a link:
If you want you can also private message me with an e-mail address and I can attach my Cancer write up and send it to you. It is two pages long and goes through various herbs and supplements for cancer, and brief explanations of ozone and diet.