TALKSHOE Conference CALL 79065
AUGUST 19 2010 – http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/79065
There is something going on. Some may be aware of it, But most are not.
In a word, we are in the midst of a ‘process’. This is a process of learning how to recreate a de jure form of government. This is an historic undertaking. The Republic has always been there as an undercurrent. The main thing is that the offices of this Republic have been vacated. These offices are in every county in the country. In a sense - there is nobody home! All that is needed is to refill these vacated offices with the people. This is all that is needed to take back this country.
Probably more than 200 people on the call last night.
Overall, RAP elders get Rapped by many – in particular callers from Florida, Louisiana, Washington state & Texas had unpleasant news, views and complaints relating to the conduct of officers of their perspective Grand Juries. The RAP elders were pretty much held to be responsible.
To start, A few jurors from the State of Florida stepped forward to vent their frustrations that they’ve experienced with the State Coordinator down there.
Stories of Inflated egos, self-righteousness, having a lust for power… alleging claims of disrespect, conspiracy, surveillance equipment, threats of charges of sedition and treason coming from the Florida RAP State Coordinator & chief officer. Reports of Jury members being railroaded, forced out, and dismissed were told.
A Florida woman came forward who said there was an attempt to try her for sedition and had also alleged that she was threatened, bribed and at one time told to leave the State of Florida by the RAP state coordinator.
Sam Davis came forth and emphasized that there needs to be transparency. And closed with these words:
“Everyone’s rights, regardless of the station in life, or who they know, until their rights are protected, which is a republican form of government – the majority rules – but their first obligation is to protect the rights of the minority. And until that happens, this process is a colossal waste of time.”
You can listen to a recording of that call at the above link, or listen to an edited version posted below in this thread.
turiya -*-
Thank you so much.
I was on Angela's call that night and saw that someone had posted a message on the Chat board which said that TT was going to be on the call and placed the PIN #. And Like you said, they said it was posted on Fulford's website. I have done a search for that but it must be only available to subscribers.
I am sure TT was listening, or perhaps listened to the recording later. His ears must have been burning up big time!
Cheers -t-