You need to build a Zapper, because it pulses in only positive electricity, while the battery just makes a short between the positive and negative poles, across the skin-flesh.
Not difficult to make if you know electronics, otherwise, have someone do it for you. Mine cost about $11 parts, my labor 'free'.
Sale price about $25 from a reasonable source. 15 KHz, with valid 4 harmonics up to 60 Khz, but the main purpose is to charge the blood POSITIVE by about 4.5 volts, the operating voltage, not the battery voltage. Download this:
Or, much easier, read about the amazing Coconut Oil. I use Nutiva's. Excellent fat melter. I had to stop using because I dropped 10
pounds and am not heavy. Its also antiviral. Download and pass along:
One TSP to 3 TBSP per day, but only if you are heavy! You melt fat, lose appetite with extra calories, but won't trigger Insulin. Good for diabetic people.
Many other benefits, including it kills HIV and Herpes, plus other bugs, because these are lipid coated and coconut oil uncovers them and they die.