Don't worry about what you went through this weekend or about apoligizing. It's only natural. My wife and I did the same thing when we started realizing what is going on. Hope I wasn't too blunt with you. Sometimes I forget or don't realize I'm dealing with someone just starting the journey. So sorry if I was too blunt. That's just me. I like to say things with as few words as possible.
Like you said, you'll have to learn what is real and what is theory, which I still have problems with. I just go by, if it's undeniable, I put it in the fact folder. If it's possibly deniable, then I put it in the "we'll see" folder and see if more evidence pops up to back it up. Most of the stuff is in my "we'll see" folder waiting for more evidence to back it up.
Just stick to the basics. Like, the powers that be could care less about any of us and only want to rape us, and each other and the planet until it's dead. No one knows for sure how bad it will get, so prepare for the worst and hope for the best. (Prepare to live in the woods if you have to and hope you keep your house) That's what I do anyway.
Personally I listen to Lindsey Williams and use his info to go by for the most part. He's not perfect, but has the highest accuracy in my opinion and using his advise hasn't failed me yet. (I'm sure others in here would disagree, so that's just me) He just came out with a new video and here is a summary of all the things he's said for the last year. For what it's worth. (I don't know if you know that Lindsey has a Mr. X who is one of the powers that be, and he's about to die and doesn't give a damn any more and gives Lindsey the inside scoop on what's about to happen)
These will happen within two years from last Ocober.
You will not recognize America. The dollar will be worthless and dead through inflation and we’ll be too poor to rebel.
Gold and silver are the only currency you can rely on, but it has to be in your hands! Gold prices don’t change value, only the value of the money used to buy it does, which makes it appear like gold prices go up. Get out of all paper worth and get out of debt if you can.
The elite have slowed down the time line for the total collapse because they stole 2.5 trillion dollars from Americans under the Bush administration in the first bailouts.
(Bloomberg sued the Federal Reserve and won the case to find out where the money went but nothing has happened yet. One reason is because the Fed threatened to collapse the economy if they were forced to show where the money went)
The Federal Reserve is buying T-Bills and securities and this will not go on for long. As soon as other nations realize this, they will stop buying them. Watch the Treasury Auctions, and when other countries stop showing up to buy.
(Just a couple of weeks ago the federal reserve said it wants it's money back that it has put into our economy. China has now sold some of their US debt in each of the last three months. China, Japan, the Millde East and Europe all have around a trillion dollars each of US debt and when one flinches the rest will follow suit and the dollar will collapse in the matter of days)
Almost everyone will be working for the government through all the government take-over’s. They will take over all the banks and narrow it down to about 9 banks. Eventually they will raid the safety deposit boxes too. So keep nothing in them! (There have been over 300 banks close so far this year and more each week)
The stock market will go up again. When it gets overpriced again (I say 12,000 or above) know it's about to take the final dive.
They will be working through the pastors & churches. Pastors will be asking people to fill out forms asking for personal information. Home Land Security will be requesting all this. The end result will be a World religion. It will be the religion of evolution. Where we are nothing but evolutionalized animals. They have taken away America’s God.
The elite have a "god" and a "code of ethics". They’re not atheists. So when they say "Praise God", remember it’s NOT the God we think of. It’s the satanic god they worship. The skull and bones god. (look at all the pictures of "important people" showing the sign of satan
They broadcast their intentions before hand. So keep your eyes on the news (and know most of it is a deversion or lies) and watch movies coming out of hollywood. But more importantly keep your eyes on sites like this.
The last two things to be shut down or that disappear will be the media and the radio. (They want to keep these going to keep the fear at a frenzy. So get ready for the REAL stuff to hit the fan when they dissapear.)
War is planned after two years, around 2012, and it will be world wide & start with Israel & Iran.
This is from Lindesy's update in January this year and this is what you'll see this year.
Money will lose 30-50% value this year. Not under or over those numbers.
The store shelves will be full, but you won’t be able to afford to buy it buy the end of the year. (I think it will only be that way for a little while because the people will just steal it if it gets too bad)
Gas and crude oil prices will increase according to the value of the dollar. So if the price of gas (and metals and food and so on) increases by 50%, that means the dollar has decreased by 50%.
The conflicts in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen are only distractions from what’s really going on. Afghanistan is about oil and opium. More drug money is transferred around the world than any other money. (So don't pay attention to these "wars". Watch for the Israel Iran thing.)
No war with Iran for a year, to a year and a half unless Israel starts it first. (The US has moved many missles over to some island in the middle east to prevent this)
Derivatives were designed to collapse the world economy. There is a derivatives bubble about to burst of about 80-100 trillion dollars. (In the video called Fall Of The Republic they claim the derivative bubble is more like 100's of trillions of dollars)
The healthcare bill is a government take over. There’s gun control, euthanasia, abortion, (An exec order is not law) rfid chips and education in the bill, and who knows what else, and it controls what kind of healthcare you’ll get. And think about it, if the dollar collapses, which it will, what kind of healthcare will you get? (So use your knowledge from CZ to be healthy. :-) I think this drug industry crap will say bye bye too after this too)
Also remember after all this garbage is over, the world will be more like what it should be. So it's something that has to happen, to get to where it needs to be. (It's got to die before it can be reborn) And this crazy stuff that's about to happen isn't going to last forever. All we have to do is survive a few years, in my opinion, and these scum bags will no longer control the world and there will be peace for quite a while afterwards. If nothing else, but from the fact the world will be devistated and broke and have to rebuild for many years afterwards. But I think the lesson learned from all this will last for at least hundreds of years afterwards. There could also be other things involved that won't allow the world to be like this again for a long time, if ever. So just remember it's all good! A better world is on it's way!
That's my opinion and that and 99 cents will get you something the the dollar store.
Also I found a site where I can upload all my survival stuff instead of CZ because they only allow about 20megs at a time and that cuts out a lot of stuff. So I'll post a link to all of it in a week or so.
See ya, and hang in there bro!