I've been reading and there are a few other things I should mention.
Mercury does not show up in blood tests in most mercury toxic people. Mercury is stored in the tissues. Mercury only shows in the blood when you have acute poisoning.
There is a lot of mercury in fish, bigger fish containing more mercury. The reason is that fish cannot excrete mercury and mercury is being dumped into our environment by burning coal among other things.
Cilantro and chlorella aren't good for people who are highly mercury toxic. The have single thiol bonds and do not hold onto mercury very tightly. They are GREAT to use when you are finished chelation and want "that last little bit of mercury out", but don't want the nasty side effects of stronger chelators. I plan to use both late in my protocol.
Also, chelators interact. You shouldn't overlap chelators unless it's by design. For example, take only chlorella or only cilantro at the same time.
I didn't mention it, but only have fillings removed using IAOMT protocols or some other protocols that protect the patient (rubber dam at least) and vapor.
There is something you can do with mercury fillings in your mouth.
Far Infrared Sauna s. Saunas detox mercury and well as chemicals from your body and are very safe.
You can and should probably also do a bowel cleanse, followed by
parasite cleansing, followed by
Liver Flushing to get your elimination channels open.
Before chelating you should also take a hair analysis to make sure your minerals are high enough. And mineralize (with an extremely good supplement like Concentrace) beforehand.
There is actually a lot of prep work to do before chelating.
I'm 5 weeks out from starting chelation myself, wish me luck.
Also, I'd like to hear how things have gone the last 5 months.