I am an Acupuncurist and Nutritionist in private practice. I frequently advise people on various cleanses and practice detox myself as well. My question is this: If a person has colitis or diverticulitis and they perform various cleanses, how do you measure how effective the cleanse is? I mean, besides seeing a person's physical symptoms disappear (which they do), does the health (i.e. size, shape, deformities) of the actual large intestine change? Has anyone ever been able to actually see a swollen or deformed colon (from a surgery, c-section, etc) before and after a cleansing period?
The reason I ask is that I have a thin client who has a lot of intestinal issues. He has colitis and despite being thin, his lower abdomen appears quite swollen. Upon palpation, his stomach is painful and hard in various areas. He asks me if, after cleansing, will his abdomen decrease in size. In addition, he asks if his colon has the ability to regain it's natural form once again or will it stay the way it is.
Any info would be greatly appreciated.