Miss Helfinger
Don't participate this holiday season in the consumerism that isn't helping artists make any money. The goods are toxic, primarily made overseas in situations you don't want to look at and when you purchase something from someone who MADE THE ITEM - it is embued with quality, integrity and energy - not dividend monies being paid to stinky corporate shareholders that created this recession IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Take a stand - and buy your stuff from real people. Please share other sites where people can be directed on where to buy quality goods from individual artists.
Check these sites out:
great site with all handmade goods and a section for 'wanted' meaning you can describe what you want and find someone to make it (er um, or talk to me. lolol)
website that prints art made by people. got a great joke or cartoon? send it to these people and get it printed or purchase the most individual looking apparel you've seen printed since the 70s from non-marketing-corporate zombies.