Hey all,
I've been enjoying traditional foods for some time - trusting my taste buds and intuition as I go along, which is great. ;-)
I'm looking to reconcile moderation in fermented food consumption with my tooth healing endeavour.
I have no conventional pets, yet I see my SCOBYs as pets!
Typically, I eat most food raw with the exception of bone/vegetable broths (cooking destroys the native/inherent bacteria+enzymes and rearranges the 3D molecular structure of protein complexes and PUFAs, amongst others - like forming maillard complexes, HCAs etc.). I enjoy a few thin slices of raw liver every day, or usually in the form of pate (me like!) or overnight-fermented in leftover whey. I enjoy raw animal fats, especially warmed suet and back fat - yum.
I like to avoid cured/pink meats due to potent n-nitrosamines. I don't even trust those that are traditionally cured, whereby the particular natural salt contains higher
nitrates /
nitrites . Maybe someone has more info for me on that? I really enjoyed wild acorn-fed serrano ham as well, haha!
I cannot secure much other offal/organs locally because of regulations. I like to have kidney and heart when they are available, but brain and gonads are eliminated at the source. "High" meats and game is something I'm trying, although it's not straightfor'ard to procure/prepare for a city-dweller like me. I might start hunting - who knows it?!
High quality fish is not available locally, so I enjoy fermented CLO (along with the ever-faithful butter oil). I like the assurance that peroxides don't really form in fermented CLO. Sometimes I'll enjoy sashimi, but the price/kg is beyond my sensibility/intuition.
I'll make ghee usually in earthenware with some antioxidant in the brew (during clarification) like heirloom cannabis variety, rooibos tea, or more traditionally, curry leaves (fresh or dried). I'm still experimenting with different ghee-tea (as I like to call them) preps - I can imagine home-decaffeinated green tea is still a little bitter in augmenting the taste, hence I've not tried that one. My intention with these antioxidants is to minimise COPs/oxysterols (once again, my taste bud instrumentation tells me everything - and things a little beyond the 5 sensors!).
Nevertheless, I feel the internal urge to bolster my anti-oxidant status and bring in more organic acids + probiotics + prebiotics.
My challenge is this...even though I enjoy fermented food/beverages in moderation, they unbalance my tooth mineralisation causing sensitivity or enamel erosion. Of course, that's counter-productive to my tooth healing intent!
I would like to buffer the organic acids in some way, by adding base minerals, but not rock-based minerals, which harm the body - ionic minerals. I want to buffer my ferments, typically with ionic minerals, so that the acids don't use my bodily mineral resources to do the same job.
At the moment, one of my favourite things is to combine 50/50 kefired water with fruit juices/coconut water and then drink the amazing naturally carbonated, low
Sugar beverage. However, these second-fermented beverages are quite sour/corrosive. I want my beverages to be around pH 5-6 to minimise their impact on my own ionic mineral resources.
I've thought about soaking seaweed in the second-fermented beverage (for example), but I really don't know whether it would donate many minerals, plus the taste might be undesirable (taste is paramount, hehe!). I have a barrel full of egg shells, yet these don't have a good balanced ratio of minerals (calcium is a magnesium antagonist, so excess without balance precipitates muscle cramping).
I like to use ConcenTrace and liquid silicon, although these don't really buffer the ferments much.
Does anyone know if the ancients/aboriginals/indigenous used to naturally buffer their ferments somehow? What do the alcohol brewers do? Should I be encouraging more aerobic rather than anaerobic metabolism?
Maybe somebody out there also likes to buffer their ferments with bio-available minerals...I would love to know!
I've thought about adding dried nettles, or rooibos, or some other mineral-rich herb, but it's almost like I'm thinking excessively and not allowing my intuition space to simply offer the solution. Maybe the solution is to eliminate ferments for a time, but I consider them to have useful systemic effect as part of tooth healing (well, systemic healing).
Of course, fermenting neolithic-era food is important to minimise excess sugars and undesirables like lectins, so fermenting is a key to survivalism. I enjoy fermented raw goat's milk and I'm just venturing into the world of gluten/glutenin/gliadin with sourdoughs (first try with a San Francisco starter and white flour).
I have no interest in dogmatic closed-thinking paradigms, which have no co-existence with intuition, so I'm willing to learn on any level. Most ideologies crumble with time, haha...;-)
Happy to have a response any time, any place...
MrBBQ (of course, if you're gonna barbecue, marinate overnight in some kind of antioxidant preparation, haha!)