I mentioned that Florastor was a good probiotic but I should mention that it contains good yeast and does not contain Bifidus or other things that some probiotics do. Although it's suppose to help certain ailments like leaky Gut if a you are taking other things like digestive enzymes, or goldenseal, Primadolphilus, or another probiotic, MMS or other products you may want to continue taking them. You can take it while taking antibiotics (which is not recommended to do for other regular probiotics.) But if you are looking to cure Leaky Gut with just Florastor and a multiple vitamin that may not be a good idea since a multiple vitamin cannot work on the gut and Florastor is a good yeast probiotic . And since digestive enzymes and other things are recommended that also play a good role in healing the gut. But Florastor has helped others who have taken it for other bowel disorders and infections in the digestive system.
Hello 31147;
Well I'm sorry you feel that way and you are right I am pretty much in the same boat but I'm Learning just like everyone else. But lately I believe because of the symptoms I have been having it's possible my problem may be related to leaky Gut and all this time I thought it was related to TMAU symptoms. And I have been trying some other things myself. And I have been keeping people posted with my progress as I go along. When I had run out of the supplement I was taking with the golden seal, lactobacillus acidolphilus, and the bromelian, my body shifted backwards so that was a way I could tell they they were helping me and my digestive flora is much better. And since I do do a lot of research on the web about different probiotics and other supplements, I'm also taking some Physiology,Biology and other nursing courses, No it dosen't make me an expert but it's helping me learn a lot about my body. I've read all your comments in and out of this forum and what you've said about me and I want you to know is that I have nothing but love for you, why not drop me an email yourself?
Now as far as what I've written just now about Florastor or about Probiotics, or anything else if something has helped someone I do put the comments from the other person in the forum and their progress(these are people going through the same thing we are) I happened to stumble on some info about Florastor when looking up stuff for primadolphilus, you know how it is when you're doing research online. My doctor told me I had Acid Reflux so I know that is not the reason for my other problems and lactose intolerance is not the reason entirely for the other problems like IBS and other symptoms, these are symptoms of a leaky Gut.
Sometimes if someone ask a question even about something I may not have experienced It I do go out of my way to do the research and to help them, if no one has answered their question for a few days, in the process I find links on the website that gives information about their problem. like Florastor says because of certain ingredients it shouldn't be taken with an antifungal, well I think people should know this because people will take it with antifungals like they do regular probiotics. There are other 's in other forums who help people in the forums because sometimes they learn lots of information about certain things while going through what they are going through and they pass it on to others. People in this forum have suggested things to me and before I came to the forum I was trying most of the things other's were doing too. Working in the SICU and being around doctors and RN's help me learn alot about certain disesases but not necessarily about the things in this forum. I research a lot of things and I learn things from others in this forum too. When Mr. Hanky mentioned how Goldenseal helped him that let me know I have been on the right track. As far as I'm concerned you have been in these forums 5 years or more, I've been here maybe 5 months, 6 months? not even a year and I've learned a lot. (I'm just trying to get to the root of my problem since my doc says there are no other issues.)
According to you, I should be cured by now, well according to the length of time you have been here wouldn't you say the same.? You have had much more time and have been in this forum more than I have. Saying rude things about me or others in this forum is not going to cure you. Pick up a book already or rather do some research yourself, thats how you learn, or better yet go to the doctor, if you have a problem with me email me privately and tell me about it, I can understand your frustration but talking about me in this forum is not going to heal you or solve your problem.
Hello 79981;
I actually have run out because I was taking them until my order came for my other things had ordered from the health store.. They did come yesterday. Actually no because I started my primadolphilus with Bifudus that contains Lactobacillus acidolphilus, Lact.Rhamnosus,B.longum.and the B.breve. I'm taking Florastor (it's suppose to help yeast infections) so since the Primadolphilus has it I may wait until I run out or just get the one from GNC to just have it,I don't want to take too many things in that way I'll see what's working and what's not. Because I noticed I have symptoms problems related to a leaky Gut I'm beginning to wonder if that may be part of my problem. And then I had started taking antibiotics probiotic from GNC because of a respiratory ailment. But I should have waited until I finished the antibiotics although it did help with the yeast problem and the breath odor. So for right now I'm just taking those 2 probiotics, golden seal,bromelian and some digestive enzymes,and a multivitamin.