One of the issue is bloating/gas to the severe level.Say if i do not have Gas I loose few inches around my waist instatneously.
That is a symptom of low stomach acid and/or intestinal flora. Bitters, B vitamins, and zinc for the stomach acid. Kefir or other cultured foods and prebiotics for the flora.
What is the quickest way to control the high blood pressure naturally instantly
There are various reasons for high blood pressure. What will work best will depend on the cause of the high blood pressure. For example the pain from your injury can raise blood pressure. So will the ibuprofen (Advil) you are taking, which constricts blood vessels. If you are diabetic insulin can also raise your blood pressure. Calcium raises blood pressure by contracting blood vessels, etc. Here are a few options:
Magnesium malate or citrate are natural calcium channel blockers and therefore relax blood vessels lowering blood pressure.
Sterols relax blood vessels. Yucca root is the highest herbal sterol source. Jiaogulan is also sterol rich and also helps to act as a beta blocker.
Ashwagandha acts as a natural ACE inhibitor and beta blocker.
Coleus forskohlii has the same effects as cardiac glycosides (lowers blood pressure, and slows and strengthens heart contractions).
Kudzu and bamboo both relax blood vessels.
Potassium is a natural diuretic and lowers blood pressure by displacing sodium and eliminating excess water.
It just happened that ONE DAY when I went to the doc a few years back, when they took the bp, the lower number hit 100 for some reason and they flipped out and next thing ya know I'm on bp pills.
This is a real pet peeve of mine with doctors. They are so quick to prescribe based on one abnormally reading whether it be high cholesterol, high blood pressure or whatever. There are so many things that can cause a TEMPORARY rise in these readings. Coffee for one. Yet they tell people that they have to fast for the blood test, but they can have coffee before the test. Well this raises blood pressure, cholesterol, cortisol,....... Temporary stress or pain can also raise these levels. This is why they are ALWAYS supposed to get multiple readings to make sure something is chronically high before prescribing. But too often then whip out their prescription pads either out of ignorance or out of incentives. Such as the 10,000 frequent flier points the drug companies give doctors for each patient they put on Inderal. With other drugs they can be given trips, TVs, etc. as incentives by the drug companies to prescribe their drugs. Then there is also the problem with doctors who are invested in to certain drugs. All of a sudden it seems that this is the drug the doctor thinks everyone needs.
And there is “white coat syndrome” where people with normal blood pressure will develop a temporary high blood pressure when they go to the doctor due to anxiousness. I have a really great example of this that happened to a friend of mine, leading to a stroke, that I will have to post.
So one reading, taken in a doctors surgery, is a very inaccurate way of diagnosing a blood pressure problem, and prescribing drugs based on this is stupid and potentially very dangerous.
By the way, you will also find that the blood pressure in your left arm is higher than in the right. This is because the blood exits the heart on that side.
There are a few other problems with taking blood pressure. Since blood pressure is generally taken with a stethoscope, the reading will actually vary according to the person's hearing that is taking the blood pressure. And I used to train medical personnel how to take blood pressures properly. I was forever getting on people about putting their thumb on the stethoscope during the readings. This is a definite no-no!!! The thumb has a pulse that can be picked up by the stethoscope and can give false readings.