Have you seen this guy's site? Is he on the right track?
The main reason that I put this web site on the World Wide Web was to show you what the 'reality' we live in is really like, behind all lies, illusions, rumors and ignorance. To have this knowledge is the first step in fighting the New World Order [def]. But knowledge without wisdom is dangerous. I see examples of that all the time; good people who dug into this knowledge too deeply, and in their anger and despair did something they hadn't thought through well enough. Actions like that can put you in prison, or worse. It also creates a bad reputation for those who are patiently and consistently dedicating their lives to educate and enlighten people. The way to fight the New World Order is NOT with violence, no, not even peacefully. The truth is, you can't fight the New World Order in this reality; it's doomed to fail. Many have tried, but no one has succeeded. The reason for this is the following, and this is my world view. Take it for what it is; agree or disagree, it's up to you. I am not trying to create yet another dogma or become some kind of guru. That's the last thing I want. All I want is for you to read this whole article, ponder it and decide how much of it (if any) you perceive is ringing true to YOU and only take that to heart:
The reality we live in is commonly called the "3rd dimension" or "3rd density", both terms used by me on this website interchangeably. This is a very physical, non-spiritual and a very tough place to live in. It is an imbalance of good and evil, where we’ve let the pendulum swing more towards evil. That is right, we did it to ourselves. The Illuminati [def] wouldn't be able to exist if we wouldn't have let them get their way. The New World Order would never have been an issue if we wouldn't have let it happen. We created the 3rd dimension, as we shall see.
Basically, yeah.
Although in this particular article he gives too much credit to an Illuminati (whoever they are) as having a hidden hand in all the ways that situations have unfolded for the people in this world.
To say: "They [Illuminati] have also trained us to fear death..." I would have to point out that members of the so-called Illuminati (whoever they might be) would also be in fear of death themselves, otherwise there would be no need, and no reason, for such individuals to seek control over their lives...and/or over the lives of others. Or to accumulate vast amounts of wealth and to seek ever increasing ways to manipulate, control and be powerful over others. Engaging in such activities clearly shows that such individuals (whoever they are) are tremendously insecure and wallow in a great fear of death, themselves...i.e greed, and ambition for power, etc., are symptoms of the disease - fear of death.
To say that "the Illuminati created all religions to divide and conquer", this is true only if the so-called "Illuminati", then, includes everyone (to some degree or other) that has a fear of death and who attempts to exert control over their own lives and the lives of those around them. In essence, everyone is playing a part in the creation of the shadowy "Illuminati".
"Illuminati" is just another name for the collective of insecure individuals that have an inferiority complex and are burdened with an overly obsessive intellect. -To put it simply, they just don't know how to relax. Which would include probably most of the people that inhabit the planet at the moment.
So in this regard, I would agree.
This is from Illuminati News....
Bank Holiday Coming? Prepare?
June 21, 2009
from TheComingDepression Website
From Harry Schultz:
Dear Bob:
Bob Chapman’s Int’l Forecaster newsletter revealed (5/20) this startling intelligence (from within US State Dept & embassies):
”Some US embassies worldwide are being advised to purchase massive amounts of local currencies; enough to last them a year. Some embassies are being sent enormous amounts of US cash to purchase currencies from those govts, quietly. But not £’s (british pounds). Inside the State Dept there is a sense of sadness & foreboding that ‘something’ is about to happen, unknown re a date-just that within 180 days, but could be 120-150 days.”
Bob quotes another source that “Panasonic has told their people to be back in Japan by Sept 09.”
Harry Schultz, dean of newsletter writers, has quoted the Chapman letter of May 30 regarding US embassies being sent large amounts of cash with which to buy local currencies, to last them a year.
Here is Harry’s remarkable take on the situation:
“My HSL suspicion is that the elite plan another FDR style “bank holiday” of indefinite length, perhaps very soon, to let the insiders sort-out the bank mess which is getting more out of their control every day.
Insiders want/need to impose new bank rules. Widespread nationalization could result, already under way. It could also lead to a formal US$ devaluation, as FDR did by revaluing gold (and then confiscating it). But devalue against what? The Euro? Doubtful. Gold? Maybe. Or vs. the IMF basket of currencies (which seems more likely) - and much in the news recently.
Any kind of bank holiday will push the US$ lower, which may be a bonus benefit to their ongoing scenario of letting the $ fall. Such a fall would get the devaluation they want without having to declare it. In sum, the insiders want more bank and system control, fewer banks and a lower US$. A bank holiday would suit all their needs.
Obviously, you can’t open safe-boxes if the banks are closed, so plan accordingly. All this is speculation, but we have to go with what we’ve got, scraps of info that point to certain possibilities. In any case such a closure will, IMO, come sooner or later, as the worst of the embedded derivatives are still to be faced.
We are years away from solving them because the controllers don’t want to; their fingerprints are all over them."
PS: during the FDR bank holiday, thousands of banks never reopened; it was a face-saving way of shutting them down. I would guess the same would occur today; thousands have little or no net value, loaded with debt, bad mortgages.
It resulted in the government stealing gold from the American people and giving them useless fiat paper money in return.
“Some US embassies worldwide are being advised to purchase massive amounts of local currencies,” writes Harry Schultz, “enough to last them a year.”
Schultz publishes the Harry Schultz Letter, an international investment, financial, economic, and geopolitical newsletter named as “Newsletter of the Year” by Peter Brimelow of Market Watch in 2005 and 2008.
Schultz believes the global elite are in the process of engineering an FDR-style “bank holiday” of undetermined length in order to “sort-out the bank mess” and impose new bank rules.
On March 5, 1933, in the depths of the banker engineered “Great Depression,” newly elected Franklin Roosevelt declared a “bank holiday” that forced banks closed for four days. Roosevelt then rammed the Emergency Banking Act through the legislature. Passed by Congress on March 9, the act granted FDR near dictatorial control over the dealings of banks. It also allowed the Secretary of the Treasury the power to compel every person and business in the country to relinquish their gold and accept paper currency in exchange.
On March 10, Roosevelt issued Executive Order No. 6073, forbidding people from sending gold overseas and forbidding banks from paying out gold. A few weeks later, on April 5, Roosevelt issued Executive Order No. 6102 ordering Americans to deliver their gold and gold certificates to the Federal Reserve bank in exchange for paper fiat money.
In other words, FDR engaged in one of history’s greatest rip-offs - that is until now.
FDR not only ripped-off the American people, but foreigners holding dollars as well, thus ensuring the “Great Depression” would spread around the world like a bankster engineered contagion.
As Schultz notes, another forced “bank holiday” will likely lead to a formal devaluation of the already broadsided U.S. dollar.
“But devalue against what? The euro? Doubtful. Gold? Maybe. Or vs. the IMF basket of currencies,” which he feels is more likely.
In fact, this is precisely what the globalist have in mind. In March, the media reported the IMF was poised print billions of “global quantitative easing” dollars to be dubbed global “super-currency” to address the (bankster engineered) economic crisis.
“The principle behind it is that everyone would get bonus dollars and instead of the Federal Reserve having to print them, everyone gets them,” declared Simon Johnson, former chief economist at the IMF.
Can you say inflation?
It is no secret the elite have envisioned a global currency for some time now. In 2007, the director of international economics at the Council on Foreign Relations stated that the dollar and the euro are but temporary currencies.
“It is the market that made the dollar into global money – and what the market giveth, the market can taketh away. If the tailors balk and the dollar falls, the market may privatize money on its own,” Benn Steil pontificated.
More like the banksters taketh away - and not only money but national sovereignty as well because a global currency will demand an end to “monetary nationalism.”
Or as Richard N. Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, has said,
“states must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies if the international system is to function.”
Mr. Schultz believes a “bank holiday” would suit the burning desires of the international bankster elite.
It will lead to “nationalization,” which is a polite word for brazen thievery. It will allow the government - owned lock, stock and barrel by the global elite and run by their corrupt whores and cronies - to rape secured creditors and bondholders. Nationalization is the unfettered process of grabbing up of insurance companies, mortgage companies, banks, medical care, and car companies and handing them over to the monopoly men.
During the FDR “bank holiday,” Schulz notes,
“thousands of banks never reopened; it was a face-saving way of shutting them down. I would guess the same would occur today; thousands have little or no net value, loaded with debt, bad mortgages.”
In order soften the nation up for the coming pillage, the Obama administration has proposed a plan to give the privately-owned and unaccountable Federal Reserve complete regulatory oversight across the entire U.S. economy.
The new rules would see the Fed given the authority to “regulate” any company whose activity it believes could threaten the economy and the markets - that is to say if it “threatens” the monopolistic interests of the bankers.
“Obama’s regulatory ‘reform’ plan is nothing less than a green light for the complete and total takeover of the United States by a private banking cartel that will usurp the power of existing regulatory bodies, who are now being blamed for the financial crisis in order that their status can be abolished and their roles handed over to the all-powerful Fed,” write Paul Joseph and Steve Watson.
“The government is ready to hand over everything to a monolithic private corporation and a gaggle of bastard banker offspring, that have gobbled up an amount close to the entire GDP of the country in taxpayers’ money and figuratively stuck the middle finger up regarding questions over where that money has gone.”
A “bank holiday” would work wonders for any “regulation” the Fed and the bankers have in mind. It would compliment the criminal consolidation now underway. It would allow them to finally and formally devalue the dollar and usher in a global “super currency” of control and enslavement.
A Bob Chapman subscriber added a little dinger to the prospect of the banks going dark.
The subscriber claims to have overheard two men in FEMA jackets talking with a police chief in California, all who agreed that the federalization of police around the country - a process largely complete - will be required if the banks are shuttered in late August or early September because it will get “ugly” out there.
No doubt. Because the sort of enduring and polite American who weathered the “Great Depression” is now in seriously short supply.
If Mr. Schultz’s prediction is correct, we can expect riots in bank foyers and ultimately martial law to be imposed.
Have you seen this guy's site? Is he on the right track?
No, I don't think he is on track. I'm not saying that everything he says is not true. I suspect his person is pushing what appears to be his own dogma and let me show you a couple of reasons why I think so.
What about Jesus, and what about the Book of Revelations? Jesus most probably existed.
When this man says that Jesus most probably existed, this tells me that he isn't 100% sure if Jesus really existed. If he isn't 100% sure, then how can he be sure in making those judgment calls when it comes to telling us who Jesus is?
However, nothing of this excludes that Jesus as a being was here on Earth, trying to enlighten us. The Illuminati have changed the story, trying to tell us that Jesus was the One Son of God, which separates the rest of us from the God Energy and make us less powerful.
If the Illuminati have changed the story, then where is the evidence of it? Aren't there some ancient scriptures such as the Dead Sea schrolls that we can cross reference our current bibles with?
If you want to fight with the powers that wish to take our freedoms away, let me attempt to give you a little bit of practical advice that may help and this is something that I haven't seen from him.
1. Develop rational thought. Read the book "Mean Markets and Lizard Brains". I haven't investigated his other book "Mean Genes" but it might be a better source for helping you develop your rational thought processes.
2. Learn about www.quantumtechniques.com if you wish to develop your intuition. Test everything with it in order to develop your intuition.
3. Study and learn about electromagnetic chaos eliminators in the form of jewlery. There are different pendants and braclets available if you search hard enough and they have different frequencies that assert different applications. Don't think that they can block everything. I had a spirit harass me at night a couple of months ago and I felt that that spirit went right through my firewall frequencies. But these technologies can protect you from frequencies that take the form of 666 for example.
4. Make sure you are getting the right nutrients. I believe minerals, essential fatty acids and various antioxidants help your body fight off toxins and can help elevate your thought processes.
When it comes to Christianity, don't try to judge it. Nobody understands a born again until they are born again.
I understand being born again. I am born again. Jesus is real. The Holly Spirit is real. BUT, Jesus is NOT the only way. (Maybe the bible has a few flaws?) There are dozens of Messiah stories in different religions that exactly parallel the story of Jesus's life here on Earth.
This guy from Illuminati News is "out there" but maybe he's just way ahead of us? Some of his news is weird but not any weirder than the main stream media's. He doesn't say "this is the way it is, and everyone else is wrong", like Christians do (and you're going to burn in HELL if you don't believe!). That's the main reason I'm not a Christian anymore. It just doesn't make sense.
Have you listened to "What the BLEEP do we know? Down the Rabbit Hole" or "The Empire of The City"?
BLEEP? (click Play All)
EMPIRE! (there's 2 parts)
It's nice to see Christians who aren't closed minded. If your mind is full nothing else can come in, as explained in the Buddhist story of the monk who kept pouring tea in his disciples cup as it poured all over the ground to show him what he meant.
Did either of you watch Jordan Maxwell on religions?
I believe once you're 'born again" you can't go back. I think Jesus was telling us 180 degrees different from the way the churches and bibles explain it. I'll have to find some more sites for you. I'm rushing through this journey following the bread crumbs of truth because it takes a lot of time and I have to work (overtime to survive) so I don't always remember where stuff is. But I'm convinced Jesus was interpreted wrong.
Jesus said "Resist not evil." His answer was the same as the guy who wrote Illuminati News, they said there's no way to fight evil with evil. We need to think (pray) positive thoughts (forgive) and raise the consciousness (Holly Spirit).
The ten comandments were taken out of context. Paxton Robey explains very clearly what I believe now in his free ebooks, videos and radio shows. Here's the book(s) where he explains what I'm talking about....
"I understand being born again. I am born again. Jesus is real. The Holly Spirit is real. BUT, Jesus is NOT the only way. (Maybe the bible has a few flaws?)"
I have a question for you Gina. I'm wondering how you can be born again and believe that Jesus is not the only way and that maybe the bible has some flaws?
The very foundation of being born again is the belief that Jesus is the ONLY SON of God and that He is the ONLY way. Being born again means that you have accepted Christ as your personal savior and through Him you will have eternal life in heaven.
"He doesn't say "this is the way it is, and everyone else is wrong", like Christians do (and you're going to burn in HELL if you don't believe!). That's the main reason I'm not a Christian anymore. It just doesn't make sense."
Could you explain how if you aren't a Christian anymore how is it that you call yourself born again? The reason I'm asking is that you've made some contradicting statements like calling yourself born again but not being a Christian. Also calling yourself born again and believing that Jesus isn't the only way. Those kind of statements go against what being born again is all about so I'm just wondering what is your thought process on coming to the conclusion that you're born again.
The very foundation of being born again is the belief that Jesus is the ONLY SON of God and that He is the ONLY way. Being born again means that you have accepted Christ as your personal savior and through Him you will have eternal life in heaven.
I don't think Christianity has a monopoly over the idea or the phrase 'born again'. There are other religions, other paths, that talk about the same phenomenon using different terminology.
"Jesus said, "Except man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God " ( St. John 3-3) and Jesus added : "Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again". ( St. John 3-7).
The closest word in Hinduism to what Jesus said is Dwija. The actual meaning of Dwija is "Twice Born". Who is a Dwija (Twice Born)? .....A Brahmin.
Who is a Brahmin?.... He or she who realizes Brahman. What is Brahman?...That which is infinite...God
So in a nutshell:
He who realizes God is a “twice born” or He who is a “twice born” automatically will realize God.
According to Hinduism, unless there is an absolute change in consciousness and absolute self purification, nobody can achieve God realization. Without complete change of consciousness, it is impossible to realize God and vice versa." http://amiahindu.rediffiland.com/blogs/2008/07/17/Hindu-Born-Again-or-Dwija-T...
Zen also uses a Japanese term, satori, which means taste of enlightenment to describe the same thing. With Zen and Buddhism there is no belief in a God.
Still there are others that have come to experience such changes in consciousness through near death experiences.
"I don't think Christianity has a monopoly over the idea or the phrase 'born again'. There are other religions, other paths, that talk about the same phenomenon using different terminology."
Point taken T, thank you. I had not realized that other religions used the term 'born again' in fact I've never heard another religion use that term until you provided the link.
That explains what I thought were contradicting statements, she is obviously not using that term as a Christian but for some other religion.
I was just trying to understand and you've cleared it up for me.
like Christians do (and you're going to burn in HELL if you don't believe!). That's the main reason I'm not a Christian anymore. It just doesn't make sense.
I'm not convinced that God sends people to hell. Could it be that fallen angels are overpowering and throwing souls in there once souls are thrown out of the realms of heaven?
Anyway, I was hoping my analysis of his article would help you see through him. I guess there is either a flaw in my logic or you don't see it the same way that I do. But if you don't see my logic, then you should be able to offer at least one counterpoint.
"I'm not convinced that God sends people to hell. Could it be that fallen angels are overpowering and throwing souls in there once souls are thrown out of the realms of heaven?"
Fallen angels don't have the power throw souls to hell. Fallen angels are demons and they already know their time on the earth is limited and they will be thrown into hell for eternity.
Once a soul is in heaven you can't be thrown out ever.
OK... Let me see if I can clear this up with you. According to what I have learned from a Christian pastor, when the lost die they are judged and they go to the great white thrones of death. They are not there to stay. The lost could be told something like this, "Depart from us, we never knew you."
Do you follow me so far?
Once they are cast away, where do they go? They go somewhere where they are potentially ganged up on because they are not protected. I believe God essentially is telling us that some are not suited to live in God's realm then, the lost are cast away from there.
Hi Trader,
First off let me thank you for not getting offended at what I posted. Its refreshing to be able to discuss these matters without being worried about getting into a verbal war. I think its a good thing to be able to discuss what other people believe whether or not I believe the same way, its good to share thoughts, beliefs, and ideas with others.
Okay, here is what I believe and it does line up with what your friend has told you but its more in depth than that. First off the "lost" are those who haven't accepted Christ as their savior before Christ comes back for the church (rapture). That being said, when we all die it is our spirit that leaves the body. The spirit of a lost person goes to the outer rims of hell to await judgement. The spirit of a saved or born again person goes to heaven.
What your friend is talking about in the great white throne judgement takes places after the rapture and the tribulation. Every person is judged. Those lost people are judged for their sins and then sent to hell for eternity. The saved people aren't judged for sin because they accepted Christ as their savior and therefore through Him their sins have been covered by His blood. But we will be judged, just not for sin. An example would be say if the Lord sent someone to me to witness to because He knew I would be able to explain salvation to him so that he could understand it and therefore make that choice to accept or deny. If I didn't witness to that person that person might never come to accept Christ and that is what I would be judged for. Thats where the scripture talks about our crying and Jesus wiping away our tears. I was already forgiven for that even though I might not have even been aware of it but Christ would show me what His path for me was and that I turned the wrong way in that instance and that person didn't accept Him because I didn't witness to him, it wasn't a sin just a wrong turn. My eternal abode is heaven.
Okay after writing all that I see where you got the impression that souls are thrown from heaven ha ha. The thing is that after the rapture and the tribulation are over yes, every soul will be in heaven for the final judgement and when those lost (not saved) people are judged they are in fact sent to hell. I understand now where you got that.
Just one more thing I'd like to say. After all the judgement and all that, God makes a new heaven and a new earth. Why does he do that? He does that because for thousands of years the demons (fallen angels) have gone back and forth between earth and heaven to accuse us before God, meaning they try to point out our sins to God so that they can prove we aren't good enough for heaven. The thing they don't understand is that Christ covers our sin if we have accepted Him. Not that we don't sin because every person alive sins but once we have accepted Christ as our savior our sins are covered. I got off track there for a minute ha ha. Anyway so the demons have been in heaven and after everything is over all the lost spirits (people who haven't accepted Christ) have been in heaven for the final judgement. God cannot look on sin, therefore heaven has been defiled. The only option is for God to make a new heaven and a new earth that is without sin. At that time hell opens up and expands to accommodate all those lost people.
The ONLY thing that makes a person not suitable to live in God's realm for eternity (heaven), well really God's realm is the whole universe. The only thing is not accepting Christ His son as their personal savior.
Does this make any sense to you? It is what I believe, I know not everyone believes the same way. I'm not one of those conventional bible thumpers that preach about right and wrong. I'm really not what the mainstream organized religion would call a Christian. I believe everything God said. I believe I have power through Christ and that He showed us how to live our lives while we're here on this earth and most Christians don't realize the power and the gifts we have through Christ. We don't have to be sick, we can live healed, we don't have to be poor, we can live prosperous, we don't have to be depressed we can live with peace of mind and happiness. Christ died for us to attain all of those things. The trouble is that most Christians don't know we can live that way because they don't truly have the faith it takes to attain them. Each person has the right to choose what he or she believes and that is as it should be.
Okay after writing all that I see where you got the impression that souls are thrown from heaven ha ha. The thing is that after the rapture and the tribulation are over yes, every soul will be in heaven for the final judgement and when those lost (not saved) people are judged they are in fact sent to hell. I understand now where you got that.
That seems to have more logic than my current belief system. Our points would be strengthened if we backed them up with scripture.
He does that because for thousands of years the demons (fallen angels) have gone back and forth between earth and heaven to accuse us before God, meaning they try to point out our sins to God so that they can prove we aren't good enough for heaven. The thing they don't understand is that Christ covers our sin if we have accepted Him.
I'm not sure about that, it doesn't seem to flow logically because I don't understand that they don't understand that Christ covers our sins. I think they are more intelligent than that.
I don't see how your post proves my initial point wrong (about demons throwing the unsaved into hell) but it seems to correct my other thoughts. Maybe you may wish to continue discussing this in the Christianity debate forum.
I would be happy to continue this in the other forum. I was thinking the same thing when I did that last post, this shouldn't be discussed in this forum. I've got to go out for a little while but when I get back in a couple of hours I'll do a post in the Christianity forum.
Thank you Trader.
Here is something else that strikes me as funny.
The truth is, you can't fight the New World Order in this reality; it's doomed to fail. Many have tried, but no one has succeeded.
Right after that, he goes on to say:
I am not trying to create yet another dogma or become some kind of guru. That's the last thing I want. All I want is for you to read this whole article, ponder it and decide how much of it (if any) you perceive is ringing true to YOU and only take that to heart:
The constrast between these two statements seems not to be totally coherent. The first statement says that it is true but the other statement seems to give his comments somewhat of a pass from criticism. When you only take some parts of the article as true, then there is a chance of being incoherent.
When someone states that you can't fight the Illuminati, then why do what he is doing in the first place? There seems to multiple motives here at work. When you say that you can't fight a force, then who has the power? Aren't you virtually guaranteeing the perpetuation of their power if the opposition thought the same way?
I guess if I keep this up then I am asking for it, aren't I?
I was also thinking about something else. There might be alternative explanation for evidence that suggests that people are reincarnated. And he has a link to it in his website. It has to do with the theory of a holographic universe. I have been thinking that physical reality could be a projection but spiritual reality is not. That could very well mean that each of us is an integration of a very sophisticated holographic system and a spiritual reality. I am not explaining my thinking with more details but it gives you something to think about.
If you take away anything that has to do with the Illuminati or any other secret society on that website then, what does he have left on that page?
The Illuminati and some other subjects are the doors. These subjects attract certain people to the site. I don't think he would get nearly as much attention without them.