Hello Mike sorry about your health issues.
Whomever told you that l-glutamine contains yeast is very misinformed.
There is a lab and manufacturing process called microbial fermentation. Here special genetically engineered bacteria or fungi are used to produce for us our desired products. They are filtered out in the end so that the actual count of original microbes is virtually undetectable. Whether you are healthy or sick this is the least of your issues, don't be concerned. Amino acids like L-Glutamine, and products like Glucosamine and Hyaluroninc acid are manufactured this way. They are SAFE and won't present any additional burden of candida to your system.
You can easily take 6 to 8 grams glutamine per day in the mornings.
Note to vegetarians: Microbial fermentation is advanced science. Still much of the glucosmines and HA sold are made the old way, scaveneged from the cattle industry. Dont worry about the amino acids however.
Other comments about
Colloidal Silver and dmso are very bad suggestions, don't take them.
also try to raise stomach acids with betaine hcl, one capsule per meal, creates an environment candida does not like.
candida causes inflammation of the gut.
if you have something systemic say with skin condition too, then you need to see a gastroenterologist. it's important that bacteria do not transmigrate to other parts of your body through a hyperpermeable small intestine.
be smart, take care of yourself.