I have been helping people learn to make and use
Colloidal Silver for years and have shipped it coast to coast by the gallon.
Here is the basic idea, pass 30 volts through 2 silver contacts in distilled water. That plus a year of full time work and trial and error research got me the knowledge I now have.
Following is the simplest cheapest way to create a small amount of
Colloidal Silver and some stories I can’t resist telling.
It may not taste good but it works. During my trial stages I gave some to my 5 year old when, coincidentally, she started having chicken pox. The pox stopped dead after day one, did not develop. Friends with chronic illnesses and colds have told me that nothing stands up to a dose but your experience may vary.
This was when I made it stronger than I do now because many I live with can not stand the taste so it would not get used. My daughter loved it like I do strong or not.
She would always ask to taste my experimental batches and I was always at my lab/desk, often with her on my lap, with many jars lined up with various solutions. I had to give it away because I was making so much more than any one could use in order to learn what I needed to learn.
My girl friend claims she always gets sick this time of year. She works as a casino cashier so deals with filthy nasty money all day. I have had her on silver since I met her. She has not gotten sick this year except when we went to a convention and ½ the people got sick and we had no silver.
When she got home she was already sick. I dosed her and she cleared up in an hour but it was a virulent strain. The next day at work she continued to get sick and came home a mess. I put her on an ounce every few hours and she cleared right up. As long as she was drinking it she could function just fine with some nasal discharge for a couple days as the only symptoms. Took a couple days to get her completely well.
She is a BIG believer in
Colloidal Silver , as is my wife and her daughters! The oldest uses it to control her acne. My life is another story OK… Can you say alternative?
The stuff I make for her is light for taste sake. It has a very mild after taste which I enjoy and is nearly clear. What I make for enemas is purple to black and very strong.
OK, enough stories, here is how you make it, simple experiment, duplicating my first attempt and still the best for a one shot dose that can save your life from a bad infection; Very costly in the long run though.
Get 3 nine volt batteries, 2 jumper leads (wire with alligator clips on both sides available at Radio Shack), and 2 silver coins (999 fine silver) any coin shop carries these. ½ ounce or one ounce or investment bars; it doesn’t matter. Pure silver wire works too but again it must be 999 fine silver or better, not jewelry grade and certainly not sterling OK?
Tie the wires onto pencils and clip the coins in the clips and lower them into distilled water. The pencils rest on the glass so the wire can dangle. Adjust the knot so the silver is in the water without the clip touching water.
(NONE OF THE CLIP CAN TOUCH THE WATER !!!, the clips will dissolve into the water and contaminate it); Nothing but glass and silver touches water OK?
ANY TAP WATER, EVEN RESIDUE FROM RINSING THE GLASS WILL CONTAMINATE THE FORMULA. For best results rinse the glass 3 times in distilled water.
The batteries will clip together plus to minus leaving a + and a – connector. This is your 9 X 3 = 27 volt power supply. Clip the other side of each jumper lead to these terminals.
Get the idea? Here is a pictire.
Glass of water with 2 pencils resting on the top.
2 aligator clips dangle from wires tied to the pencils.
At the end of each clip is a coin in the jaws.
The other end of each wire attaches to either the plus or the minus side of the battery pack
The coins should be about an
inch or so apart. Not touching!
If you do this in a 1 cup glass container you should be able to see a whitish cloud coming from the coins in under 10 minutes. That is silver and will be positively charged and so stay in suspension.
Lighting this from the rear helps see the action. it is real exciting to watch. Another 10 minutes should do the trick but there are a lot of variables.
Colloidal Silver is not a solution it is a suspension, silver does not dissolve. The microscopic particles will stay suspended if colloidal. If they are not colloidal they will fall to the bottom.
Never ingest the solid particles that fall to the bottom; they are inorganic not colloidal and toxic although silver in any form will kill bacteria. So ignore directions on store bought bottles to shake it OK? Not a good idea. Also never freeze or boil it.
This little experiment will use up a set of batteries very fast, about 3 doses of 1 cup each and each batch will take longer as the batteries fade. I had a bucket of these before I spent a lot of money on power supplies and went further.
From there you can get into power supplies but remember it has to be constant current, (like computer power supplies) not constant volt (like transformers and batteries).
Transformers will burn out quickly. Trust me on this one.
If you know electronics you can use a computer power supply but you have to hook the several +5 volt leads in series to add up to 30 volts. These can be bought for around $5.00 at surplus electronics stores. A full fledged variable volt, variable current power supply can be had for a few hundred used if you can find one.
I use a combination of voltages and a custom made silver plate of 4
inches by 6
inches for the negative plus a fine silver wire for the positive and a timer and much more could be said about this.
If people are interested I will be glad to share. This was my big discovery, using larger surface for the negative pole. This keeps the negative collector plate from discharging negative overflow particles into the water and creating a very bitter taste indeed.
CS should be used by every one and in greater quantities than any one can afford at prices sold in stores. I use it in spray bottles, for after shave, deodorant, hair spray, drink it straight, resolve cold sores, herpes, irrigate my teeth, use it on cuts, mineral water bath soak, even made 7,000 gallons in a swimming pool once instead of chlorine and chemicals. Unbelievable results!
It is a pure wonder but most don’t know what to do with a gallon of it. It’s a crying shame.
What pissed me off is it took me a year full time to learn what I now know and just taught you because no one would share with me. The ABC regulation companies are so strict that it costs a fortune to be able to bottle it and sell it in stores so no one wants to give away how simple it is to make at home. I fight back by educating any one who will listen. You got me started didn’t you!
It is getting tough out there. Health food stores are getting raided for making any claim about ear candles or ear cones for Christ sakes so now they have to label them for entertainment only when they detoxify the ear canal and do amazing things.
It is entertaining though to watch some one with a flaming candle in their ear.
Have fun.