"The reason water municipals are switching from Chlorine to Chlorine dioxide is because Chlorine is much more harmful."
A very good point! It is not likely that they would switch from one thing (chlorine) to another thing (Chlorine dioxide) if there was no significant difference between the two.
In this recent November 2008 video, Jim Humble makes the point that Chlorine Dioxide has a very narrowly-targeted affinity for only oxidizing anerobic (oxygen-averse) stuff like anerobic bacteria and anerobic cancer cells.
I don't think that Iodine or thyroid T4 are anerobic.
- cwk
Yes, solid scientific tests/proof are all well and good, but millions of $$ of supposed "solid scientific tests" and an FDA stamp of approval all said that Cymbalta would be a great new anti-depressant drug, and yet, myself and many others who initially tried Cymbalta got as sick as dogs within hours of their very first dose of it.
So, so much for "legitimate scientific" tests.
Thus, my MMS test & evidence will be, do I personally get better from the MMS, and do I personally consistently experience die-off reactions from the MMS.
Until then, the success stories/testimonies I read here will keep me enthused about MMS.
Tom, can I assume that you have personally experienced or else personally observed in others some success stories from MMS use?
- cwk
Just like anything else in life, the devil here is in the details, more specifically, in the dose level details. I'd like to see someone do the math here comparing the dose levels of the chlorine dioxide that was given to the lab rats in your cited study here with the dose levels of chlorine dioxide taken by people according to the Jim Humble protocol. If it turns out that the lab rats in your cited study were given doses 1,000 times that taken by people according to the Jim Humble protocol, then i'd say that those lab rat studies of chlorine dioxide & thyroid function are quite worthless. After all, I suspect that lab rats will get really messed up if they are given 1,000 times more aspirin or 1,000 times more Tylenol or 1,000 times more Motrin or 1,000 times more Prozac than humans normally take at one sitting.
Also, keep in mind that, according to Jim Humble, the MMS/chlorine dioxide does NOT accumulate in human tissues, and any unused/unneeded MMS in the body will turn into about a grain of harmless table salt.
It seems to me that MMS usage is reaching a critical mass of regular users that de facto attests to the inherent safety of MMS; as for me, i'll "chance it" and use the MMS, because nothing else on this planet that I have tried has yet helped me alleviate what I believe to be my lifelong systemic Candida problem, which has caused my lifelong depression/anxiety/OCD problem.
For MMS, just like for EVERY treatment, whether it be a natural/herbal treatment or a pharmaceutical treatment, it is always going to come down to safe versus unsafe dosing levels, and you may be getting concerned about unrealistic excessive dosing levels of MMS that NO ONE will EVER come close to taking. Guess what, if you or I take a whole bottle of aspirin or a whole bottle of Prozac in one sitting, we are gonna die or else be very very sick. Guess what, when some stupid college kid drinks three large bottles of vodka in one night, he/she will die or else be very very sick.
Am I making my point here? For MMS, just like as for alcohol, or Motrin, or Prozac, or even bananas, it comes down to a question of REALISTIC DOSING LEVELS, period.
I will agree with you that CHLORINE and FLUORIDE should be entirely eliminated from all drinking water, but MMS is neither chlorine or fluoride, and I think that when you publically post here about chlorine and fluoride and phosgene and nerve agents and MMS all in the same breath, you are being wildly reckless and irresponsible, so please stop it. If you can produce a study of humans (not rats) who have taken Jim Humble-recommended levels (not 1000x levels) of chlorine dioxide (not chlorine, not phosgene) then let's see it, otherwise, you have no case.
By the way, I cannot take any natural supplements that contain excessive amounts of kelp, because the iodine in the kelp aggravates my hyper-ish anxiety, that is, the kelp (in concentrated artificially high amounts) uncomfortably stimulates me. Does that mean that Iodine is all bad all the time in any amounts for anyone? I don't think so.
You said above:
"More reactive halogens, like chlorine, will displace a less reactive halogen, like iodine."
Uh, excuse me but, why in the hell are you even posting about "chlorine" here, which is NOT what activated MMS is (activated MMS is chlorine dioxide). That is exactly what I mean about you posting here in a reckless and irresponsible and misleading and pseudo-intellectual manner, and you need to stop it.
If I may ask, what exactly is your own major health problem that you are trying to remedy naturally by being here? Why are you here?
- cwk
I deliberately went with a harsh condemning tone above because I suspect that the Hveragerthi poster has a hidden (possibly financial) agenda to wreck MMS's reputation, and sometimes one just cannot pussy-foot around with or be pleasant with insidious (i'll say it, evil) crap like that.
There are paid agents of big pharma (typically conventional retired MD's) who use the web to publically disparage effective rising star natural remedies that may ultimately compete with big pharma-type products. I am new to here, but I have seen this familar pattern elsewhere, and Jim Humble is always warning us to beware of such. In Jim Humble's November 2008 video, he tells the story of someone who actually got his legs blown off for promoting an effective natural product that competed with a big pharma product.
Hveragerthi could be either a paid agent of big pharma, or else a paid agent or owner of some natural remedy company whose natural anti-Candida remedy business (there are many such natural anti-Candida remedy businesses out there) could be wiped out by MMS. If MMS lives up to what I have been reading about it here, every other natural anti-Candida remedy business now out there (such as Three-Lac) is going to be utterly destroyed.
Never underestimate the capacity of any existing established business to do ANYTHING to protect its market share from a superior competitor.
It is unfortunate, but we must always be vigilant for evil crap like that.
- cwk