The 800 pound gorilla and free will – How do you define yourself?
Dquixote1217 has said:
Finding your inner peace and goodwill towards all men is all fine and dandy, but try telling that to the 800 pound gorilla that may come knocking on your door.
What to say to an 800 pound gorilla that may come knocking on the door?
1. Yes, we have no bananas today!
2. Hey Bro, Great costume! But aren’t you a little early for holloween?
3. Yes, this is a guerilla training camp, you say you wanted to sign up?
4. Hey G-Money, glad you could make it! We’re just about ready to make a beer run. How bout a few bucks to chip in?
5. Looks like you could use a large banana daiquri right about now –no ice?
6. Yes, this is a gorilla training camp, you must be one of the instructors?
7. Hey, come on in,– just have a seat, Dquixote1217 just stepped out for a few minutes, shouldn’t be too long, said he’d be right back. Gotta run myself, see ya next time.
8. Hey I got one for ya Grilla good buddy…
One day Lupo is walking home when he notices a huge gorilla standing on the roof of his house.
Not knowing what to do about it he looks in the phone book under GORILLA REMOVALS. Then he calls up Kowalski's Get Lost Gorilla Service and explains the situation.
Ten minutes later Kowalski arrives with a banana, a bulldog, a butterfly net, a ladder and a loaded gun.
"Okay," says Kowalski, "it is quite a simple thing. I am gonna throw the banana at the gorilla, and while he is busy eating it, I am gonna climb up the ladder and push him off the roof.
"Then the bulldog is trained to grab him by the nuts, and when the gorilla holds himself in pain, you throw this butterfly net over him."
"Great!" shouts Lupo, with enthusiasm.
"But what about the gun?"
"Well," explains Kowalski, "if I miss the gorilla and fall off the roof myself, you shoot the dog!"
DQ has also said:
I submit that we were not given free will and brains to merely be led blindly to slaughter and submission.
Whether you want to believe it or not, any action you make to the notion of not wanting to merely be led blindly to slaughter and submission has little ‘free will’ involved in it.
It is because whatever action you come up with is already a large part of the world of cause and effect, a REACTION, to a cause that has already been put in progress long long ago. The cause has already taken place in the history of humanity. And whatever choice you think you are acting out - of your own ‘free will’ - is a very very very small, minute, part of the total picture.
You may think that you are being original in how to react to the situation that is presenting itself in the world, i.e. the 'NWO' situation, but the whole history of humanity is behind it. You, me and most everyone else here, are just carrying out acts that are predetermined, just playing out the roles as they present themselves – like players on a stage.
So really any idea that one may entertain themselves with - that they will be making use of a greater sense of their own ‘free will’ than any other individual - is rather ludicrous. That everyone reading this is more or less bound to humanity's past history of cause. And imprisoned within the effect that presents itself today.
I submit that real freedom is found in consciousness, awareness. It is something attained only through the meditative process of self examination, It is a method of moving within oneself, into the aloneness of one’s being, and not found by moving outwardly into the world. It is using life’s situations as they come along, and meditating on them within—this has been referred to as being in the world but not having the world be in you. The main focus of one’s attention is on oneself, not on the world one finds oneself in. It is a process of moving out of actions that are bound to the world of cause and effect, and into acting spontaneously, in a moment to moment context of complete awareness.
Osho on Destiny and Free Will
Question - Are Our Lives Predestined or Not?
Osho : This is not a personal problem, it is a philosophical question. Our lives are both predestined and they are not. Both yes and no. And both answers are true for all questions about life. In a way, everything is predetermined. Whatever is physical in you, material, whatever is mental, is predetermined. But something in you constantly remains undetermined, unpredictable. That something is your consciousness.
If you are identified with your body and your material existence, in the same proportion you are determined by cause and effect. Then you are a machine. But if you are not identified with your material existence, with either body or mind – if you can feel yourself as something separate, different, above and transcendent to body-mind – then that transcending consciousness is not predetermined. It is spontaneous, free.
Consciousness means freedom; matter means slavery. So it depends on how you define yourself. If you say, “I am only the body,” then everything about you is completely determined. A person who says that man is only the body cannot say that man is not predetermined. Ordinarily, persons who do not believe in such a thing as consciousness also do not believe in predetermination.
Persons who are religious and believe in consciousness ordinarily believe in predetermination. So what I am saying may look very contradictory. But still, it is the case. A person who has known consciousness has known freedom. So only a spiritual person can say there is no determination at all. That realization comes only when you are completely unidentified with the body. If you feel that you are just a material existence, then no freedom is possible.
With matter, no freedom is possible. Matter means that which cannot be free. It must flow in the chain of cause and effect. Once someone has achieved consciousness, enlightenment, he is completely out of the realm of cause and effect. He becomes absolutely unpredictable. You cannot say anything about him. He begins to live each moment; his existence becomes atomic.
Your existence is a river-like chain in which every step is determined by the past. Your future is not really future; it is just a by-product of the past. It is only the past determining, shaping, formulating and conditioning your future. That is why your future is predictable.
Skinner says that man is as predictable as anything else. The only difficulty is that we have not yet devised the means to know his total past. The moment we can know his past, we can predict everything about him. Based upon the people he has worked with, Skinner is right, because they are all ultimately predictable. He has experimented with hundreds of people and he has found that they are all mechanical beings, that nothing exists within them that can be called freedom.
But his study is limited. No Buddha has come to his laboratory to be experimented upon. If even one person is free, if even one person is not mechanical, not predictable, Skinner’s whole theory falls. If one person in the whole history of mankind is free and unpredictable, then man is potentially free and unpredictable. The whole possibility of freedom depends on whether you emphasize your body or your consciousness.
If you are just an outward flow of life, then everything is determined. Or are you something inner also? Do not give any preformulated answer. Do not say, ”I am the soul.” If you feel
there is nothing inside you, then be honest about it. This honesty will be the first step toward the inner freedom of consciousness. If you go deeply inside, you will feel that everything is just part of the outside. Your body has come from without, your thoughts have come from without, even your self has been given to you by others.
That is why you are so fearful of the opinion of others – because they are completely in control of your self. They can change their opinion of you at any moment. Your self, your body, your thoughts are given to you by others, so what is inside? You are layers and layers of outside accumulation. If you are identified with this personality of yours that comes from others, then everything is determined.
Become aware of everything that comes from the outside and become non-identified with it. Then a moment will come when the outside falls completely. You will be in a vacuum. This vacuum is the passage between the outside and the inside, the door. We are so afraid of the vacuum, so afraid of being empty that we cling to the outside accumulation. One has to be courageous enough to disidentify with the accumulation and to remain in the vacuum. If you are not courageous enough, you will go out and cling to something, and be filled with it.
But this moment of being in the vacuum is meditation. If you are courageous enough, if you can remain in this moment, soon your whole being will automatically turn inward. When there is nothing to be attached to from the outside, your being turns inward.
Then you know for the first time that you are something that transcends everything you have been thinking yourself to be. Now you are something different from becoming; you are being. This being is free; nothing can determine it. It is absolute freedom. No chain of cause and effect is possible.
Your actions are related to past actions. A created a situation for B to become possible; B creates a situation in which C flowers. Your acts are connected to past acts and this goes back to the beginningless beginning and on to the endless end. Not only do your own acts determine you, but your father’s and mother’s acts also have a continuity with yours. Your society, your history, all that has happened before, is somehow related to your present act. The whole history has come to flower in you.
Everything that has ever happened is connected with your act, so your act is obviously determined. It is such a minute part of the whole picture. History is such a vital living force and your individual act is such a small part of it. Marx said, ”It is not consciousness that determines the conditions of society. It is society and its conditions that determines consciousness. It is not that great men create great societies.
It is great societies that create great men.” And he is right in a way, because you are not the originator of your actions. The whole history has determined them. You are just carrying them out. The whole evolutionary process has gone into the making of your biological cells. These cells in you can then become part of another person. You may think that you are the father, but you have just been a stage on which the whole biological evolution has acted and has forced you to act. The act of procreation is so forceful because it is beyond you; it is the whole evolutionary process working through you.
This is one way in which acts happen in relation to other past acts. But when a person becomes enlightened, a new phenomenon begins to happen. Acts are no longer connected with past acts. Any act, now, is connected only with his consciousness. It comes from his consciousness not from the past. That is why an enlightened person cannot be predicted.
Skinner says that we can determine what you will do if your past acts are known. He says that the old proverb, ”You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink,” is wrong. You can force him to. You can create an atmosphere so that the horse will have to drink. The horse can be forced, and you also can be forced, because your actions are created by situations, by circumstances. But even though you can bring a buddha to the river, you cannot force him to drink. The more you force him, the more impossible it will be.
No heat will make him do it. Even if a thousand suns shine on him it will not help. A Buddha has a different origin of action. It is not concerned with other acts; it is connected with consciousness. That is why I emphasize that you act consciously. Then, every moment you act, it is not a question of a continuation of other acts. You are free. Now you begin to act, and no one can say how you will act.
Habits are mechanical; they repeat themselves. The more you repeat something, the more efficient you become. Efficiency means that now consciousness is no longer needed. If a person is an efficient typist it means that no effort is needed; typing can be done unconsciously. Even if he is thinking about something else the typing continues. The body is typing; the man is not needed. Efficiency means that the thing is so certain that no effort is possible.
With freedom, effort is always possible. A machine cannot make errors. To err, one has to be conscious. So your acts have a chain relationship with your previous acts. They are determined. Your childhood determines your youth; your youth determines your old age. Your birth determines your death; everything is determined. Buddha used to say, ”Provide the cause, and the effect will be there.” This is the world of cause and effect in which everything is determined.
If you act with total consciousness, an altogether different situation exists. Then everything is moment to moment. Consciousness is a flow; it is not static. It is life itself, so it changes. It is alive. It goes on expanding; it goes on becoming new, fresh, young. Then, your acts will be spontaneous.
I am reminded of a Zen story.... A Zen master asked his disciple a particular question. The question was answered exactly as it should be answered. The next day the master asked exactly the same question. The disciple said, ”But I answered this question yesterday.”
The master said, ”Now I am asking you again.” The disciple repeated the same answer. The master said, ”You do not know!”
The disciple said, ”But yesterday I answered in the same way and you nodded your head. So I
interpreted that the answer was right. Why have you changed your mind now?”
The master said, ”Anything that can be repeated is not coming from you. The answer has come from your memory, not from your consciousness. If you had really known, the answer would be different because so much has changed. I am not the same man who asked you this question yesterday. The whole situation is different. You also are different, but the answer is the same. I had to ask the question again just to see if you would repeat the answer. Nothing can be repeated.”
The more alive you are, the less repetitive. Only a dead man can be consistent. Living is
inconsistency; life is freedom. Freedom cannot be consistent. Consistent with what? You can
be consistent only with the past. An enlightened person is consistent only in his consciousness; he is never consistent with his past. He is totally in the act. Nothing is left behind; nothing is left out. The next moment the act is finished and his consciousness is fresh again. Consciousness will be there whenever any situation arises, but each act will be made in complete freedom, as if it is the first time that this man has been in this particular situation.
That is why I answered both yes and no to your question. It depends on you, whether you are consciousness, or whether you are an accumulation, a bodily existence. Religion gives freedom because religion gives consciousness. The more science knows about matter, the more the world will be enslaved. The whole phenomenon of matter is of cause and effect: if you know that given this, that happens – then everything can be determined.
Before this century ends, we will see the whole course of humanity being determined in many ways. The greatest calamity that is possible is not nuclear warfare. It can only destroy. The real calamity will come from the psychological sciences. They will learn how a human being can be completely controlled. Because we are not conscious, we can be made to behave in predetermined ways.
As we are, everything about us is determined. Someone is Hindu; someone else is Mohammedan. This is predetermination, not freedom. Parents have decided; society is deciding. Someone is a doctor and someone else is an engineer. Now his behavior is determined. We are already being controlled constantly, and our methods are still very primitive. Newer techniques will be able to determine our behavior to such an extent that no one will be able to say that there is a soul.
If your every response is determined, then what is the meaning of the soul? Your responses can be determined through body chemistry. If alcohol is given to you, you behave differently. Your body chemistry is different so you behave differently. At one time, the ultimate tantra technique was to take intoxicants and remain conscious. If a person remained conscious when everything indicated that he should be unconscious, only then would tantra say the man was enlightened, otherwise not.
If body chemistry can change your consciousness, then what is the meaning of consciousness? If an injection can make you unconscious, then what is the meaning? Then the chemical drug in the injection is more powerful than your own consciousness. Tantra says it is possible to transcend every intoxicant and remain conscious. The stimulus has been given, but the response is not there.
Sex is a chemical phenomenon. A particular quantity of a particular hormone creates sexual desire. You become the desire. You may repent when your body chemistry has returned to its normal level, but the repentance is meaningless. When the hormones are there again, you will act in the same way. So tantra has also experimented with sex. If you feel no sexual desire in a situation that is totally sexual, then you are free. Your body chemistry has been left far behind. The body is there, but you are not in the body.
Anger is also just chemistry. Biochemists will soon be able to make you anger-proof, or sex-proof. But you will not be a buddha. Buddha was not incapable of anger. He was capable of it, but the effect of feeling anger was not there. If your body chemistry is controlled, you will be incapable of being angry. The chemical condition that makes you feel angry is not there, so the effect of anger is not there.
Or if your sex hormones are eliminated from your body, you will not be sexual. But the real thing is not whether you are sexual or not, or angry or not. The real thing is how to be aware in a situation that requires your unawareness, how to be conscious in a situation that happens only in unconsciousness.
Whenever such a situation is there, meditate on it. You have been given a great opportunity. If you feel jealous, meditate on it. This is the right moment. Your body chemistry is working within you. It will make you unconscious; it will make you behave as if you are mad. Now, be conscious. Let there be jealousy, do not suppress it, but be conscious; be a witness to it.
If there is anger, be a witness to it; if there is sex, be a witness to it. Let whatever is happening inside you happen, and begin to meditate on the whole situation. By and by, the more your awareness deepens, the less possibility there is of your behavior being determined for you. You become free. Moksha, freedom, doesn’t mean anything else. It only means a consciousness that is so free that now nothing can determine it.
Source : from Osho Book "The Psychology of the Esoteric"
Good stuff - funny too.
If all is predetermined, why act at all?
If our forefathers had simply sit back and observed when they were being suppressed by the British, where would we be today? For that matter, if one single man, Thomas Paine, had not written and distributed the pamphlet "Common Sense" when a majority of the people and a majority of the members of the Continental Congress were in favor of capitulating and making peace with King George, where would we be now?
If we simply sit back and try to observe and better ourselves as individuals while believing all is predetermined, and a few good men do not again step to the fore, where will we be tomorrow?
It is the world of cause and effect in action.
DQ has misread the article as saying ...ALL is predestined... And You are all effected tremendously by it, by the cause - being DQ. Your vision, or more correctly, your blindness, is effected so much by what you think of each other.... in what each other are saying. And the votes are reflective of that.
It is DQ and the herd right here in front of me. The cause and the effect - Absolutely hysterical and precious. Thank you all. Go baaaa.... and reread it. Or, keep following the shepperd by letting him read, or misread, and then follow his comments. -'Cuz we will really be needing plenty of canon fodder in the near term. :)
turiya wrote
Please be careful to not paste your own interpretation over what has been posted. The article states that our lives are both predetermined and also not predetermined. That whatsoever is associated with the material world, whatsoever one is identified with relative to the world of things, the body-mind, ideas and concepts is predetermined. But there is continually something there that remains undetermined. And that something is consciousness.
"If you are identified with your body and your material existence, in the same proportion you are determined by cause and effect. Then you are a machine. But if you are not identified with your material existence, with either body or mind – if you can feel yourself as something separate, different, above and transcendent to body-mind – then that transcending consciousness is not predetermined. It is spontaneous, free."
Actually T, what I was referring to was YOUR words in that post - and your words, my friend, quite plainly left very little room for free will. What little room they did leave pretty much referred to finding free will by looking inside yourself. Been there and done that with all kinds of books from all kinds of philosophers and thinkers east and west, mainstream and far beyond.
Maybe it is you who should go back and re-read what you posted, hmmmm?
Finding inner peace and tranquility is all fine and good - I recommend it highly. But there comes a time to act and while it may be the "role" of a few people to lead, it is the "role" of everyone to use common sense to avoid and resist disaster instead of merely accepting doom as inevitable. I submit that it is those who do submit who are the real sheep.
Picture a group of people in a low lying pastoral plain meditating and finding their inner selves, the meaning and the purpose of their lives. For awhile all is pastoral tranquilty and peace rains supreme. But in the distance you hear the thunder. Then comes the rain. And it gets heavier and heavier and the waters begin to rise and flood into the pasture. Some people warned others when they heard the thunder and again when the rains came. Perhaps that was their "roles". But at some point it is everyone's role to take action to move to higher ground and shelter and try to save themselves.
Maybe the coming storm has made the path to safety uncertain and fraught with dangers, and some may fall to their doom. However, those who do nothing will surely get swept away and drowned by the flood no matter how fervently they meditate, pray, look inside themselve or otherwise fail to get off their asses and take action.
If you drown that is not because it was predetermined that you were going to do so. It is because you failed to exercise free will and good judgment. Are the people who followed others to safety sheep? No they are not. Though they may not be leaders, they nevertheless used good sense and exercised free will to save themselves from sure doom. Often the act of following itself is one of free will. It is the act of meekly submitting that I find more sheeplike. The act of staying and being drowned could be said to be one of free will too, but in my view it is more a failure to exercise free will.
Real Strength - Is to LIVE ones beliefs. Only in doing so is truth found within our beliefs...
We all have different opinions and beliefs. I say have the strength to live your beliefs and allow your fellow man to believe and LIVE theirs.
Now that I have said this - I need to START practicing it. I wonder if I can - I doubt it
Real Strength - Is to LIVE ones beliefs.
Yes, no matter what, the greatest strength is living your beliefs inspite of all odds. Living in such a way to make sure that you survive and have the greatest freedom to do so surely does make those odds better. For you and the children that come after too.
If on the other hand you live your beliefs but idly stand by and let tyranny reign and condemn both you and future generations to slavery, what good will your life have accomplished and who will it have benefited?
Yes, no matter what, the greatest strength is living your beliefs inspire of all odds. Living in such a way to make sure that you survive and have the greatest freedom to do so surely does make those odds better. For you and the children that come after too.
If on the other hand you live your beliefs but idly stand by and let tyranny reign and condemn both you and future generations to slavery, what good will your life have accomplished and who will it have benefited?
I would "expect" the average person would pick up arms and fight like a freedom fighter.
I personally have some "unusual beliefs" which may or may not be true. My "current" beliefs are that I am not this physical body - I was not born and I shall not die. So then I ask why am trapped in this body. This body which forces me to kill daily to survive. For I believe plants are living as well... While all spiritual teachings say do not kill... Looking around the world I can see that all animals live this way - survival of the strongest - and mans societies are ran the same way mentally... So if one is to "do well" or to master this world, they will take what they desire and history has shown that this is the way...
Following that path for me through life(for I have been here for some time now) - I have found that the "things" I obtained did not satisfy me as I expected but I was living in comfort. The desire for more was the driving force which needed feeding. The enjoyment to control others - have them do as I desired, by spending money and they "working" for me. It was never in my spirit to receive enjoyment from others sufferings though I know there are many that do (stemming from the deep pain in their spirits) you see if one suffers, they are jealious to see others that appear happy - and it naturally gives pleasure as water to the fire burning in their spirit to cause the happy person to suffer. Just look at the typical joking of putting someone down as a joke and most will and do laugh... Why do we receive pleasure at giving pain? This is done below the conscious level. We do it and laugh, not even understanding ourselves. Truly, we know not what we do...
Daily we have our battles - life comes at you like the waves of the ocean breaking on the shore. We have learned ways to deal with this and it has become "natural" to react each time the same way to the same situation or similar. For example: If one does not stand up - he will be walked on - taken advantage of. We have learned this from childhood with brothers and sisters as well as on the playground at school...
So then this "Religion" comes along and tells us to not fight, to submit to authority, to be as sheep. We see folks trying to live this was and see others taking advantage of this greatly... We see the folks believing that they must accept this or fear a GOD which will cast then into a "hell" after they die...
But the reasoning mind sees this and says - how can there be a GOD as evil as this. That he would create life and force it to suffer, as if they must be punished for being born into this world. Surely this is the last person I would want to spend eternity with... Thus I say from this view point - I would rather live in this hell for eternity then to live with such a selfish "GOD"..
This is why I "feel" a great negative to even use the word god. It is as a foul word to me. But this is the god I was taught as a child and served as a young adult, yes with all my heart...
So then - we all know there is something there... something more... but just can't put our finger on it...
Maybe a good way to think about it is as an energy. An intelligent energy that we call love. We receive it from out parents and learn to give it as parents to our children. A parents great joy is seeing their children laughing, playing - to see the joy of living in their hearts... For we know that child came from us - we created them... This we can see the nature of the creator and how he feels toward us... But only a glimpse - a sample if you will....For in reality we would be consumed completely if we experienced the depths of his love for us while we are in the flesh. But then there is the strength of love - to fight for what is right in our eyes - to protect our family...
Now lets go one step further - what if one realizes that their family is the human race and this planet is as a great mother and the great spirit is the father of this family called man kind... Then the children begin to connect with this father and mother and try to see through their eyes. This is where I am at currently. I can see no further and am drawn to a spirit quest to gain more understanding and clarity....
I am caught between the two worlds and feel frozen at this time.. I have lived many years trying it "my way" I am ready to try another... So for me - the answer to your question is unknown to me... I feel I will know when I need to know... and that is all
Dquixote1217 wrote:
Actually T, what I was referring to was YOUR words in that post - and your words, my friend, quite plainly left very little room for free will.
turiya wrote:
It is because whatever action you come up with is already a large part of the world of cause and effect, a REACTION, to a cause that has already been put in progress long long ago. (Emphasis added.)
...a large part of the world of cause and effect, a REACTION... is much much different than ..all is predetermined, which is how you started off your side of your argument. That is different than what you are saying now. I will take that as being that you went back and re-read what was said.
Your analogy of those sitting in meditation only reveals your ignorance in this dimension of meditation.
But you had a good story line going there but let me tell you what really happened. For those sitting in meditation would have probably known that a storm was coming well before you had even heard the thunder.They would have not been there at all while the torrents of rain came down.
But just across the way from the low lying pastoral plain where the meditators had since vacated the scene, there were just a few good men, part of the local underground American insurgency resistence movement hiding there within a wooden area.
In fact, it would have been those meditators who were well aware of those that were hiding just a short distance away from them. They would be the first there to help and share what they had with those that were too preoccupied with digging their trenches and foxholes that were to be used to fight the brigade of 800lb gorillas that they heard were somewhere in the area to notice the rapid movement of the approaching threatening bad weather. And before they knew it those trenches and foxholes they dug had soon filled up with rain water. Food and medical supplies being washed down the the slopes of the valley into rivers that drained into a distant ocean.
The meditators were the first there to assist those in despair. Some had brought their musical instruments and played eloquently, as muscians that are meditators can only do. And the music would lift up the heart of the down troddened and the demoralized souls of those that carried their guns to war against the 800 pounders. (As a guitar weighs a lot less than an AK47. Its much more effective in helping to raise the spirit than the sound of rattling gun fire.) Their supplies were renewed. There was good food to eat, hot cider, and a little wine to warm the spirit of those gorilla fighters.
When the celebration was over they all embraced each other and bid each other the best in farewell. The gorilla fighter were grateful to those that were called meditators, and the meditators were grateful to the freedom fighters because when your heart overflows with love and compassion, sharing with others will only make it become greater than what it was before it was shared. It will affect others to do the same, not because of a will to have it be done, but because it is the fragrance that arises out of the flower that blooms from having a meditative spirit.
Who knows whether they ever meet again, but all their hearts were warmed and spirits refreshed and there was joy in their walk as they move away from each other. Because they came to know they were all brothers and sisters with a common enjoyment in living a life -alone together.
Common sense is not so common when one's actions are tied into planning how to act, to react, to a situation before it arises. Such actions, reactions, are repeated and practiced, it is part of training, conditioning, and results in less awareness when you come to depend on do so with countless numbers of different situations. Responding to the moment is spontaneity, which requires total awareness.
The idea to pick up arms to defend one's freedom in the world comes out of a document, the Constitution, that has been written long ago in the past. To move accordingly, may appear to you as acting out of free will, but it is basically rooted in predetermination. Most actions as such rise out of predermined ideas and events, it is a reaction, an effect coming out of a previous cause, within that action there are small doors and windows of free will. The more aware one is capable of moving through these doors and windows, the more available they become, the more one is tipping the balance in favor of acting freely and not according to some past idea, document, cultural more, or historic event. One starts slipping out of darkness.
Pardon me, lady, but your freudian slip is showing. Careful what you submit to you just may get it. Your words just may be a freudian slippage there DQ...
I submit that it is those who do submit who are the real sheep.
Regards -*- turiya
Sure, planning, training, repeated actions and past experience all play a role in shaping what is likely to happen in the future. As the saying goes, the future is always rooted in the past. In the broadest sense one could point to predetermination in just about everything, but it still comes down to acts of free will that complete the picture. It was predetermined that I would likely wake up today, How I spend my waking day is largely acts of free will. The forces of predetermination may shape how I will likely behave, but I still have to make conscious decisions to implement that behavior. And just between you and me, I am prone to do the unexpected. Or is that predetermined to do the unexpected?
Freedom begins within the mind. If your mind is free then you will always have freedom no matter how you may be oppressed physically. Freeing your mind involves much more than simply developing a mindframe to be free - it involves casting all the shackles that may be imprisoning you mentally regardless of how free you are in the physical world.
But of course you resist oppression in the physical plane as well even as you struggle to free yourself in the mental plane.
Why would I want to be free from my own mind? Would that not be mindless? Better to be free WITHIN my mind.
This has been a very important step in my personal growth - to quiet the babbler...
The question would be - where does all the thoughts come from?
One will never know - until he tries to control them. Then he will find from where they come....
Then one may start to see there is more then one - flow of thoughts - source - If this then where are these thoughts comming from... and a wonderful journey opens up to oneself... As well as the realization that what we se and hear feed the babbler.
Such is a snapshot from my personal experience...
This has been a very important step in my personal growth - to quiet the babbler... The question would be - where does all the thoughts come from? One will never know - until he tries to control them. Then he will find from where they come.... Then one may start to see there is more then one - flow of thoughts - source - If this then where are these thoughts comming from... and a wonderful journey opens up to oneself... As well as the realization that what we se and hear feed the babbler. Such is a snapshot from my personal experience... 0BSERVOR, It is from my experience that it is not possible to quiet the mind by trying to control the flow of thoughts. Because by trying to control thoughts, it shows that you are having the attitude that they shouldn't be there. This is giving energy to the thought process, you will end up fighting with your thoughts -by forcefully trying to get rid of them. This will only make them stronger and give the process more juice. It is better to accept that they are there without bringing in a judgement about whether they should or shouldn't be there. Quiet witnessing and watching, without getting involved with them, will allow them to diminish on their own accord. Feeling or thinking that they shouldn't be there, is getting involved with them. Simply watch as if from a distance. And they will slowly slowly become slower in their procession, and less and less in their coming. If you remember what the redneck did in his laundry room, the only thing the redneck needed to do after he was done throwing out his crap was to sit down and quietly watch his mind. Throwing out the crap - this would be a way to let out the steam that has collected within from living in this emotionally repressive society. Do it for fifteen minutes - throw a tantrum, then sit quietly, watching whatever is going on in the mind. This will be of great help in this regard. I have done this myself and it works. Just find a space where nobody will be around to hear or see what your are doing. This is called cathartic therapy. Follow it with silent watching. You will be amazed how much it helps to sit silently. Don't be so much bothered by what others will say about this in this forum. Most here do not have a clue in this regard. Regards, turiya
Dquixote1217 writes:
Why would I want to be free from my own mind? Would that not be mindless? Better to be free WITHIN my mind.
You probably would not want to be free from your own mind because obviously you have not had enough of the misery that is caused by it. You have not come to see that the mind is the cause of the misery in your life. That mind, when used obsessively and incessantly, becomes a great troublemaker. You still consider it to be a valuable treasure. So, until you have made the connection, you will not want to be done with it.
Those that have come to see that mind is the real troublemaker, that it indeed is the real cause of all suffering, and the only thing that prevents any real freedom from being realized -only they are ready to drop it. There are certain moments when people come to realize that they have had enough of the misery, and come to the point -when it is so much of a crescendo in their lives- that one does not know the way out of the mind except for suicide. It usually comes at times like these, when one is suffering very very much from a nervous breakdown, the mind is torturing one too much, bringing the individual to a time for a complete nervous breakdown, that is when a real breakthrough is possible. That is when it is very easy to get out of the mind. If one only knows how to do this for himself.
Either someone commits suicide and ends the suffering, or finds a way to cover up the suffering with drugs, or finds there way into meditation - of finding a way of living life that transcends mind. If one is fortunate enough to find the latter of these, one usually moves into a life of spiritual growth. And meditation provides for the foundation.
Would that not be mindless?
Many people define meditation differently. The simplest way is the art of putting the mind aside. Zen people call it settling into a state of ‘No Mind’.
So, yeah, in this regard it is a mindless experience as you put it. Society has done a good job on all its members, conditioned everyone to believe it is very much a negative thing–to be mindless. In this regard, you are a good, well conditioned member of society –believing what you have been told over and over and over again. And being a well respected man of knowledge, aspiring to be also a great thinker, -I can understand you would have no use for such idiocy.
Better to be free WITHIN my mind.
Freedom within the mind, it has a nice ring to it. It is intriguing and inviting to those that are into thinking and holding beliefs. For those that identify themselves with being an intellectual type of person. You would have made a good student of someone like Rene Descartes, and his words are the words of an intellectual. I think therefore, I am. If you look at this arrangement of words, thinking is place above being. it has a higher priority than a state of being. It mean also this, that thinking about God is greater than being in a state of godliness.
I personally think Descartes was a psychotic. Because this is what he was about. He tried for years to prove, on paper, in a written argument, that God exists. How much more psychotic could one become after so many years of trying to do the impossible. He also was trying to seek freedom by traveling within the mind. Mind can only deliver to you a pseudo, kind of fake type of freedom. To look for freedom within the mind is like walking into a large prison. The prison may have many doors and many rooms in it. Potentially it can contain vaults and vaults of knowledge. And the rooms may may be nicely decorated, they may be even glittered with silver and gold. But it is still a confinement area, it is a prison within the dimension of time, confined with thinking of the past and and thinking about the future. And this dimension is separate from this present moment, which is the only reality there is.
Keep on keeping on, -*- turiya
Glad you enjoyed, I also enjoyed in thinking about what to say to the gorilla standing outside.
Dquixote12 writes: If all is predetermined, why act at all? If we simply sit back and try to observe and better ourselves as individuals while believing all is predetermined, and a few good men do not again step to the fore, where will we be tomorrow?
I don't think I am coming across as saying that you should do anything different than what you have chosen to do for yourself. I do not advocate having any beliefs whatsoever. Trying to make ourselves better than what we are, this is the cause that is behind the mess that humanity is in today. Trying to better oneself, this idea, comes from the world of cause and effect.
Please be careful to not paste your own interpretation over what has been posted. The article states that our lives are both predetermined and also not predetermined. That whatsoever is associated with the material world, whatsoever one is identified with relative to the world of things, the body-mind, ideas and concepts is predetermined. But there is continually something there that remains undetermined. And that something is consciousness.
I think you would agree that not everyone is equal, that everyone is created with equal opportunity for growth to take place, but we grow unequally. So the proportions that one identifies himself with the material world and the dimension of consciousness is different for everyone.
If you are identified with your body and your material existence, in the same proportion you are determined by cause and effect. Then you are a machine. But if you are not identified with your material existence, with either body or mind – if you can feel yourself as something separate, different, above and transcendent to body-mind – then that transcending consciousness is not predetermined. It is spontaneous, free.
I would not assume to know what exactly took place within the mind/body/consciousness of Thomas Paine when he sat down and wrote the pamphlet Common Sense, let alone the mindset of the members of the Continental Congress during that time in history. History books are written by everyday people, people with a mind of their own. They are authors working for a living, much like journalists are today. As we should all have realized by this time that when you read something out of a book, newspaper, magazine, it is second hand information. You can choose to call it the truth but I certainly would advise caution in doing so. The subject matter is very likely being tainted to some degree or another, ornamented with flowers and with perfume of the writer's own choosing.
I would not hesitate to say the there was no doubt an atmosphere present at that time that was caused by events that preceeded Thomas Paine's decision to sit down and write this piece. Where his inspiration came from no one but Thomas Paine can say, then too, maybe he would be unable to honestly say so either.
If I can draw an analogy with a more contemporary author. During the time of the mid sixties to early seventies, Bob Dylan was invited to many activist peace rallies due to his popularity and success from the songs he wrote that came to be recorded. Many of his songs appeared to be supportive of the atmosphere for change that was growing during those days. Many assumed that Bob was an political activist like Joan Baez. But if you have ever seen the PBS "American Master" series dvd of the many interviews with Bob, you will find that he absolutely dismisses the idea of his being a political activist. Nor did he in any way support any of these anti-war groups. He was just doing his own thing. The DVD reveals that he was himself quite amazed by all the nonsense that was going on around him. The nonsense that was created by the press and the public masses. In retrospect, it appears that he was able to tap into the atmosphere of the day, the collective unconscious, and wrote songs with lyrics that various segments of the populations of people applied to their various anti-war and peace movements. He himself denies he was a war protestor or a political activist. He was watching the whole thing unfold before him without choosing to have it happen.
I don't assume to know what makes Bob Dylan tick but from his own words he says, "...To be an artist, one has to be in a constant state of becoming..."
The main reason for posting this is to reiterate the point... of freedom. Everyone is searching for freedom and how to attain it, how to protect it. And everyone is different in how they see it is to be done. As everyone is a different stage of growth.
Those that are identified with the world of cause and effect are concerned with the material world. Their choice of action, in securing freedom for themselves, is to change the world that they see outside themselves... to create the situation for freedom to grow and flourish.
Those that are concerned with consciousness, perhaps have had experiences that show them that action in changing the material world is secondary to the freedom that can be found relative to consciousness of the inner world - Moving inwards to realize the freedom that exists within themselves, as it is within everyone. This course of action looks contradictory to those concerned with the world of cause and effect, because this action looks like non-action, as if one is taking no action at all. One comes to understand that this is just not the case only when they come to experience this for himself.
Both sides are seeking the same thing... Freedom.
For "freedom seekers" concerned with changing the outside world and to be antagonistic toward "freedom seekers" that concerned with the inner world, it is like the left brain fighting with the right brain, the right hand fighting with the left hand. And it is both, the right and left, that are needed to make up a whole being.
...and a few good men do not again step to the fore, where will we be tomorrow?
Yes, a few good men are needed that step to the fore, most certainly those men will be there because that will be their role - to step to the fore. But if you think everybody should take such action, then your view is limited, and is not allowing the 'free will' in acting according to how they view this world. Yes, a really good rebellion is needed. Everyone will be involved in some way or other. Many will be playing out their roles, but only according to their own view, a course of action in how they perceive it. This allows freedom, remember.
There will be those that will take on other roles, remember people are different. No doubt there will be many that will be used as canon fodder. There will be many that will awaken further on down the line than you or I to the situation that is coming, as it comes, and long after is has already come. There will be soldiers that will also get a clue and desert their posts. There will be those that will never get a clue and will fight to the death taking many innocent with them. It will be an absolute nightmare. It will last years and years and years and years. And the nightmare will be followed by a period of tremendous peace and freedom, before the whole thing cirles back around and begins again. It will come again because it is a part of the world of cause and effect.
That is where we will be tomorrow.... and then there will be another two people sitting and writing to each other on some kind of computer-like machines discussing about the same things that you and I are discussing today.
Yes, CandidaInContext,
This whole mess reminds me of the the Bhagavad Gita.
This is exactly what was going through this brain of mine when I was writting this stuff to DQ. Its the Bagavad Gita all over again - with just slight variations. Do you remember what Krishna's argument was to Arjuna?
The way I understood it was Arjuna was a soldier that did not want to fight his relatives in a war that was going to be like a battle of Armageddon.. He was questioning himself about his honor, being a coward, the conflicts of doing the right thing and fears of doing the wrong thing.
And Krishna, taking the form of the charioteer, was trying to persuade Arjuna that he should go to war with his argument. Funny how DQ writes about loving thy neigbor is all well and good but try telling that to the gorialla. As though he is the opposite of Arjuna.
By the end of the story Krishna convinces Arjuna that the predestined event is providing a role for him to act out like an actor in a play. Arjuna is convinced that he should disregard his feelings about moral decency- of loving his brothers and to take part in the battle as if it were his role and not to worry about the consequences of it.
Basically putting the mind aside and go into the situation as it was the honorable thing to do for the role he had chosen for himself.
For me the point is clear of what to do, and that is to not decide beforehand how I am going to respond to any situation. To remain as loose and natural as I can. Call it the way of Tilopa, it is tantric. And that entails not making any choices. Because any choice that is made before any situation arises, it is playing into predestined, unconscious action. In making any kind of plans for future, awareness is lessened. It is not living moment to moment. To jump out of the dimension of cause and effect is to not make a choice beforehand, but remain in a state of choicless awareness. And to allow the life situation to make the choices for you, let existence make the choice as the situation unfolds. To remain alert, and not bog oneself down with making too many plans about what to do, so one is able to respond spontaneously to whatever situation that may arise.
These are very rare moments in human history, for the raising of consciouness, that we are now entering into. Great for real growth.
Peace -*-
T, I simply do not believe that anything in this world is pre-determined. When I next eat, relieve myself, go to town for supplies, go to bed, wrie an article and just about anything else I do is not pre-determined. Though certainly their will be certain pressures to do all of those things within a given time-frame, it is nevertheless my own free will which determines exactly when and how I do them.
Seeking internal wisdom and meaning and learning from external masters large and small can greatly help shape how I exercise my free will in the things that I do, can even help determine what "roles" I play. But I nor anyone else is a robot, and free will always plays a part.
Our world is not ordered and predetermined. It may be cyclical but chance and uncertainty loom large in a universe that continually validates Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. When it comes to society itself, no matter how many forces may be allied to attempt to shape events, free will is always a wild card and often the determinant.
Moved to a newly posted message:
Dquixote1217 wrote:
I simply do not believe that anything in this world is pre-determined.
But I nor anyone else is a robot, and free will always plays a part.
Ok, DQ, here is something to see how much 'free will' you have. It a very simple test and will only take 5 minutes.
If you think you have free will and are not a robot, not a creature of habit, then do this:
Sit down in a comfortable position in a place where you will not be disturbed or have any distractions like a televison, radio or others that will need your attention. Settle yourself and set a timer for 5 minutes.
Clear the thoughts from your mind and focus only on your breathing. Just breathe naturally, and simply watch your breathing, the in-breath as it comes in the nostrils up the nose and down the windpipe and into the lungs, keep watching. There is a small hesitation and then watch the out-breath, as the exhaling air flows back out the way it came in, another hesitation. Then the process repeats.
That's all you got to do, only this. Watch the breathing in and breathing out again and again for 5 minutes until the alarm goes off. Simply enough?
The only thing that is a condition is that if one single thought comes in and distracts you from watching your breathing, then you have to reset the 5 minute timer. After doing this simple thing then you report back here.
I should also mention that because it is observed here that there are a number of people on these boards that are very much affected by what you say in your posts, as shown by the votes that are cast (cause & effect), that you should be absolutely honest with yourself on this. And carry that honesty into what you report in your post. Remember, if one single thought comes in and detroys your free will of watching your breathing during the 5 minutes, then you have to reset the timer and start over from the very beginning.
I will be waiting for your reply to tell me how free you were to simply watch you breathing without being distracted by the habit of constantly thinking of something or other. I'd be interested in how you do.
-*- turiya
Sorry T, but I find that to be a test of "will power" versus free will and I exercise my free will not to waste my time proving nothing anymore than would a similar test of not blinking for x number of minutes or holding my breath for x number of seconds.
If is fully predetermined then one should be able to predict what thought would interrupt the pattern and at what moment, but neither of us nor anyone else can do that.Just for clarification when I say that nothing is predetermined I mean actual events and not normal functions like regular patterns of thoughts interrupting or blinking or breathing or sleeping. I mean actual events.
We are actually arguing trivia here. My point is simply that life is not written in stone from birth to death.
Actually, I might try your test simply to be a good sport and for the sake of seeing whether or not I could last for five uninterrupted minutes but at the moment I cannot sit or stand in one position for longer than three minutes because I overdid something this past weekend. Might have been when I turned over a mini-boat that had a lot of water,, or might have happened when the ATV took some air coming off a bump and crashed. Whatever it was it is giving me fits and I am going to have to do a bit of healing myself it seems.
Do you think it was predetermined? lol
Don't knock it till you really try it...
I have tried it - and it is real for me..
[With slight editing.] Dquixote1217 wrote: Sorry T, but I find that to be a test of "will power" versus free will and I exercise my free will not to waste my time proving nothing anymore than would a similar test of not blinking for x number of minutes or holding my breath for x number of seconds. If is fully predetermined then one should be able to predict what thought would interrupt the pattern and at what moment, but neither of us nor anyone else can do that.Just for clarification when I say that nothing is predetermined I mean actual events and not normal functions like regular patterns of thoughts interrupting or blinking or breathing or sleeping. I mean actual events. My point is simply that life is not written in stone from birth to death. Actually, I might try your test simply to be a good sport and for the sake of seeing whether or not I could last for five uninterrupted minutes but at the moment I cannot sit or stand in one position for longer than three minutes because I overdid something this past weekend. Might have been when I turned over a mini-boat that had a lot of water,, or might have happened when the ATV took some air coming off a bump and crashed. Whatever it was it is giving me fits and I am going to have to do a bit of healing myself it seems.
I was curious to see what lame excuse you would come up with to dismiss this simple way of seeing how one has become robot-ized over years of the relentless habit of always thinking about something, never once giving it a rest. I didn't expect it to be such a literal one. It is not even important information that depends on survival that we are talking about. It is the habit of constantly thinking trivial crap that is preventing one from being aware in this very moment in time. It is excessive compulsory behavior. It is ADHD. It is the conditioning from the very childhood. Everyone has this as a dis-ease to a certain degree or other. And each and everyone is responsible for the cause of it, and the for detrimental effects of this obsessive left brain disorder. It is one's own free will that allows one to come out of it, if one doesn't then they are left to being largely controlled by unconscious forces. If is fully predetermined then one should be able to predict what thought...(Emphasis added.) There you go again with the pasting over of your own intrepretation of what has been said. Largely and fully have very different meanings, largely means that it depends on the individual how much of his actions are subject to predetermination and his free will. Fully means we are absolute like animals that have no choice in the matter. Seems to me that this is a habit of yours, of reading your own interpretation of what others are saying to you. The more we move into this subject and it is becoming more clear that this can be predetermined that this will occur in future discussions with you. :) We are actually arguing trivia here. Would it be trivial if the lives of a 'few good men' depended on focusing your attention on the appearance of one or two lights in a distant tower, so that you could warn others of an impending attack, and it was up to you to not be distracted for a single moment, as even a few seconds would put their lives in jeopardy. And please don't be so ready to dismiss this analogy to the Paul Revere day and age. We are in the computer age, and a moments difference could be the death of hundreds of your brethren. And you are overlooking the whole period of Japanese history whereby the art of swordsmanship, archery and the martial arts deeply involved not being distracted by thought while engaged in battle. All warriors at a time were quite involved with meditation, zen, to improve intuition and increase their awareness. The victor usually was the guy that did not waver in thought. I thought you, of all people, were intelligent enough to see the value of being vigilant, not be distracted by whatever trivial thoughts moved through that 'free willed' brain of yourn. It is the constant flow of trivial thought that is the arguing point here. It is mostly garbage that you and everyone else here is entertaining oneself with. And it seems you think it is some valuable treasure, the NWO information, the junk you read and then go on afterwards rehashing over and over and over and over again in that simple brain of yours. This is conditioning, this is self- hypnosis, repeating something over and over and over again, continuously is hypnotizing yourself. You are doing the same thing that the society has been doing for a millennia to the masses... in fact you, that is what you have been conditioned by the society to do, to hypnotize yourself, society does not constantly need to do it any more. You are an expert in doing it to yourself. I overdid something this past weekend. Might have been when I turned over a mini-boat that had a lot of water,, or might have happened when the ATV took some air coming off a bump and crashed. Whatever it was it is giving me fits and I am going to have to do a bit of healing myself it seems. Do you think it was predetermined? Do I think it was predetermined? To a large degree, YES. Because the more we exchange messages and I see how you got a habit of not really seeing clearly what I have said in my posts, that you keep superimposing your own interpretation over it, and the way you've become obsessive about NWO, as if it is gospel... YES, I think you were not entirely present while you were out there engaged in an activity with a mini-boat. That you had unnecesary garbage flowing through your brain at the time and it caused you to be distracted at a key moment and you made a mistake, and over you went. It would not be significant to know what precisely the thought was that distracted you because thoughts in general are largely insignificant crap that clutter of one's ability to be fully aware. Hence knowing precisely which thought is very insignifant when it comes down to it being distractful enough to effectively cause bodily injury or take away one's life. There are people that are accident prone. And there have been studies on automobile drivers and it has been proven that those involved in accidents tend to be repeaters of accidents. The same in those that commit criminal offenses. In fact, much of the solving of crime occurs because crime solvers learn more and more about the history of the criminal. His future acts are seen to be largely predetermined, habitually repeatd, with regard to his past. enough for now got to go. -*- turiya